Russian invasion of Ukraine

Reports coming out of Poland that the Polish Government stocking up on Radiation pills in case of nuclear strikes.
More in case of strikes in Ukraine rather than further Wedt.
Worrying times.
how mobile are these tactical nukes? and what range do they have?,,is it possible NATO could supply these so Ukraine could reply with same, Russia are not going to use them if the know Crimea will be hit in return or indeed mainland Russia

From reading the other day. They can fit on Kalibre missiles so approx 2500km range.

However not the most reliable delivery methods with anti missile tech being used.

Edit. My uneducated guess would be the hypersonic missile, 2000km range.

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The more I think about Russia’s threats of nukes, the more I think it is designed for the Russian audience.

Some of the stuff they come out with is so mad that nobody outside Russia would believe it. So imagine if you have a captive audience who you want to keep on your side - what do you do? You create the impression that everybody is against you and that the threat from the west is so significant that you have to be seen to be willing to use WMD.

Many in Russia will then think that Mad Vlad’s war is not only justified, but absolutely critical to the survival of the country. He doesn’t have to use the weapons, he simply has to be seen to threaten the enemy. Medvedev is backing him up barking equally mad threats.

None of this will make a blind bit of difference to the west and he must know that. He won’t expect Ukraine to back down or NATO to withdraw support. The only thing he can do is keep SOME of his own people onside, and he’s not exactly doing a great job there.
From what I've read Russias Tactical nukes mostly have to be delivered by cruise missile as most of their other their weapons delivery systems don't have the range to avoid the operators being caught in the blast.

I'm not an expert but I am a bit of a news junkie and I'm not getting this impression at all that experts think Putin will try to use even tactical nukes, just that the risk he might has increased.
From what I've read Russias Tactical nukes mostly have to be delivered by cruise missile as most of their other their weapons delivery systems don't have the range to avoid the operators being caught in the blast.

I'm not an expert but I am a bit of a news junkie and I'm not getting this impression at all that experts think Putin will try to use even tactical nukes, just that the risk he might has increased.

Exactly not sure why it's being discussed so much tbh.
From what I've read Russias Tactical nukes mostly have to be delivered by cruise missile as most of their other their weapons delivery systems don't have the range to avoid the operators being caught in the blast.

I'm not an expert but I am a bit of a news junkie and I'm not getting this impression at all that experts think Putin will try to use even tactical nukes, just that the risk he might has increased.
He's full of bullshit, right from the off he's been threatened nukes if NATO got involved,and he's done fuck all.

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