Russian invasion of Ukraine

Not a military historian, but know enough, given the winter out there, much of the boots on the ground activity will soon be coming to an end, Breathing space for Putin ,they will regroup and have a big push next spring, We need to supply and back them and their right of self determination.
HIMARS, of which the Ukrainians will have even more, means any breathing space will be small and shallow.
There has been a lot of RAF activity near me just lately. Osprey, Atlas transporters flying low. Saw my first F-35 Lightnings today near Rhayader flying very low over me. Hell of a noise.
This is nothing new. They will be heading to the Mach Loop (Google it, some of the footage is incredible) RAF and USAF have done this for years. You will know better than me though whether the number of aircraft has increased recently.
A plausible argument, but no evidence that Putin is actually thinking along these lines. Scenario planning.
Well yes but...
- The west has have to have a plan to counter it.
- They need to inform Russia of the repercussions.
- And most importantly follow up on it if the Poison Dwarf is wreckless enough to try it.
Mark Hamill in charge of the drone army - This will jeopardize the mission !! Putin tells him he is is his daddy and asks him to join him as father and son to rule the red empire together

Brexit? This country has done more to support Ukraine than any other European country

What’s that got to do with the point he made? The EU and UK are weaker apart in terms of policical clout. security. Knowledge sharing( we dropped out of the centralised knowledge share), energy security (we dropped out of the eu wide energy grid) , economic security( we are getting hit harder than most, together we all would have weathered it better) the list goes on.

All of those benefit Putin right now.

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