Russian invasion of Ukraine

What’s that got to do with the point he made? The EU and UK are weaker apart in terms of policical clout. security. Knowledge sharing( we dropped out of the centralised knowledge share), energy security (we dropped out of the eu wide energy grid) , economic security( we are getting hit harder than most, together we all would have weathered it better) the list goes on.

All of those benefit Putin right now.
Do you really think we aren't sharing Intelligence?and as for energy go and ask the Dutch Italians and Germans how they areI have doing
Russians shelled a humanitarium column in Zaporizhzhia......23 dead 35 injured.
1 being a 4 year old girl.
Its a 1 way in 1 way out system.....100% deliberate strike.......the bastards.

Slava Ukraini.
Do you really think we aren't sharing Intelligence?and as for energy go and ask the Dutch Italians and Germans how they areI have doing

I believe as we're mostly NATO then militarily we will be sharing, but its a fact we dropped out of the centralised system, that has weakened us both as there is now a level of red tape that wasn't there before.

As for the Dutch, Italian and Germans point you actually proving the point being made and just don't seem to see it. the UK being in that shared system would make the EU stronger as we would be sharing gas supplies, they have the capacity to store it which we dont, we have the supplies that they dont. in the shared system we would have been piping the large glut of gas we had over summer into there storage areas for distribution where needed in winter. including to us as we dont have the storage we need anymore and cant produce enough to supply our own needs in real time. ( because of being in that shared system we closed down the storage units as they were not needed anymore ).

there really is no denying it, Brexit made us, and the EU weaker than less capable of handling systemic shocks like this than we could together.

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