Russian invasion of Ukraine

Because she delivers it with a complete absence of gravitas, authority, judgement or any sense of competence. She is hopelessly out of her depth at a time when we desperately need strong leadership with a sense of genuine authority.

it is a genuine national tragedy that our ridiculous electoral system has delivered her to the role she currently holds, when the nation is facing such wide-ranging and far reaching challenges.

To me, it is unbelievable that someone so lacking in any of the qualities that a Prime Minister needs: good judgement, decisiveness, intellect, charisma and well-developed people skills being five that spring to mind, is holding that office.

This complete lack of ability to perform the role of PM effectively will infect every aspect of her Premiership including in relation to Ukraine. She is a national danger and no pitifully delivered words of support for the Ukrainian people alter that one iota.

To me, it is genuinely unbelievable that someone so insignificant as a person, intellectually and more generally, is PM of this once great country.

She may say the same thing as the Finnish PM on Ukraine, but she does so in a way that embarrasses us as a nation.
Not the electoral system, more the moronic party members.
Worst video I've seen of the war so far showing the russians for what they really are.

This is like WW2 in colour.

It is russians throwing civilians into a mass grave leaked from russian army telegram channels.

We already know they have been doing this but seeing it on video really brings it home. Wish it was a staged video.
Worst video I've seen of the war so far showing the russians for what they really are.

This is like WW2 in colour.

It is russians throwing civilians into a mass grave leaked from russian army telegram channels.

We already know they have been doing this but seeing it on video really brings it home. Wish it was a staged video.
It was the boxes of gold teeth that sent a shudder down my spine

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