Russian invasion of Ukraine

This is something that really pisses me off. Thankfully do not see it here in Portugal as the Ukranian flag can be seen flying in many a neighbourhood.

How can these russian sympathising cunts who have made their life in the West and have access to media as to what atrocities are really happening by russia treat a Ukranian refugee who has been forced out of her country and probably wants to go home to her family and friends by harassing and spitting on her!

Time for some EU discussions on forceable deportation of these Z sympathisers in our own backyard and then lets see how much they really love russia.

This is in Leipzig recently

This woman needs shooting asap

That's disgusting. If I saw any pro Russian sympathisers or Z symbols on a car here in the UK, I don't think I would be able to contain myself, and I'm not a violent man.
It was a joint venture between SpaceX and US government rather than one or the other, certainly not the figures quoted earlier either. In any case the request that has been declined by Musk is to activate Starlink coverage in Crimea. So they are not switching off in Ukraine although there are reports of issues on frontline coupled with his recent comments adds to confusion over Musks intentions.

Musk should stay out of these politics. He likes the sound of his own tweets too much.
Musk went down in my opinion when he accused one of the Thailand cave rescuer heroes of being a paedophile. It was totally unfounded.
None of us know what the outcome of this will be, but I guess the person with the most accurate view will be Fuhrer Putin. It seems that he, and the Russian population at large, are fully concentrated on what will happen in the coming weeks and months. At some stage this will go with a big bang (hopefully not), or will rumble on for months or perhaps years, until some sort of agreement is reached. If it does end without us all being blown to fuck (and I don't personally believe that the Fuhrer will do that), then I will relish the future where Russia is completely isolated. No Olympic Games, no International or European Football, no 'Western' commodities in Russia and hopefully no European (at least) travel for Russian Citizens. They can all sit there, including the Fuhrer, and live a good Russian life in the Motherland and fester to fuck.
None of us know what the outcome of this will be, but I guess the person with the most accurate view will be Fuhrer Putin. It seems that he, and the Russian population at large, are fully concentrated on what will happen in the coming weeks and months. At some stage this will go with a big bang (hopefully not), or will rumble on for months or perhaps years, until some sort of agreement is reached. If it does end without us all being blown to fuck (and I don't personally believe that the Fuhrer will do that), then I will relish the future where Russia is completely isolated. No Olympic Games, no International or European Football, no 'Western' commodities in Russia and hopefully no European (at least) travel for Russian Citizens. They can all sit there, including the Fuhrer, and live a good Russian life in the Motherland and fester to fuck.
Don't forget the Eurovision Song Contest lar
BBC News - Kherson: Russia to evacuate civilians from occupied region as Ukraine advances
This is basically Saldo begging Putin to firstly,get him out of there,then the other high rankers,then the Russian workers they have is over in Kherson,IMO.

Slava Ukraini.

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