Russian invasion of Ukraine

People should always question things from both sides of a conflict.

I think most people on here realise that we do get fed propaganda from our own sides.
We also know that we are lied to on a daily basis as well.
The main question is "why" we are lied to.

I feel most of the time it is to protect forces on the ground. And for the safety of operations.
Misdirection is a legitimate tactic etc. (the enemy is listening)

I was taught at an early age that never trust what somebody is saying/said. Trust/Judge people on their actions.
So it doesn't actually matter what Putin is saying/has said, just judge him on his actions.

So to say Putin could be telling the truth is a legitimate conversation/debate.
The only problem with that subject is his long history of lying and deception. Throwing the odd correct fact doesn't make him truthful or worthy of debate.

Therefore if posters were in anyway knowledgable or credible on the subject, would have themself debated there own question with themselves and came to the conclusion that the conversation was a complete waste of time with only one conclusion. (and save this thread from again getting derailed!)

Putin is a lying scum bag who has zero credibility and the easy way to tell if he is lying is to watch and see if his lips are moving!
His rant today was sadly nothing we didn't expect, yet at the same time it was so ridiculously over the top, so brazenly deceptive as to blame NATO and the West for a Ukrainian land grab, and then to suggest the Russians had to effectively save Ukraine from itself, is a level of delusion I didn't think even Putin was capable of.

Every week he surprises me at what a complete and utter shitbag he is.
Can i just say.....
These boys in the East,have had nothing bar mortars for 8 year.
They have been smashed by a lot of artillery over them years.
All Ukrainian forces deserve medals when this is over.....but these,let say Cyborgs.....thats what the Orcs call them,deserve the highest medals of honour.

Glory to the heros....Slava Ukraini.
People should always question things from both sides of a conflict.
I agree, so why does our media keep saying this started in February 2022, it actually started in March/April 2014.

The west did practically fuck all back then other than whinge a lot (though we (west) did start training their army shortly after that).

A lot of people still over look this.
Can i just say.....
These boys in the East,have had nothing bar mortars for 8 year.
They have been smashed by a lot of artillery over them years.
All Ukrainian forces deserve medals when this is over.....but these,let say Cyborgs.....thats what the Orcs call them,deserve the highest medals of honour.

Glory to the heros....Slava Ukraini.
Ukraine simply must be inducted into NATO after this is over.

Having the UAF in NATO would be like City signing Haaland.
Russian deployment of some sort of tactical nuclear weapon against Ukraine seems ever more likely to me.

Warning signs, in chronological order:
1) Some Russian generals, even before the outbreak of hostility against Ukraine have argued that deployment of tactical, short-range, nuclear weapons against an adversary is a viable, winning strategy. The West - these generals argue - would be incapable of taking retaliatory action either military or political;
2) The Russian military is doing very badly in Ukraine. Putin is all-in on the offensive - there is virtually no room
for a face-saving Russian withdrawal and cease fire;
3) The "dirty bomb claims" - Putin claims that Ukraine is shortly going to detonate a dirty nuclear bomb on its own citizens and then blame Russia for the bombing. This is typical playbook Putin. Setting the stage for denial of an atrocity - in this case Russia detonates a dirty bomb and then claims that Ukraine was responsible;
4) Putin recently stated that Russia has no intent to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine. There's little comfort in this statement - given 3 above. This statement simply serves to absolve Russia of any such dirty bomb deployment.

Will Putin deploy a dirty bomb against Ukraine? I think it's about 50-50 at this point.

Yeah, yeah - there will be the usual pushback on this assessment. Keep in mind that Putin is a ruthless, vindictive, dictator who is becoming ever more desperate for some sort of political gain as the war drags on and isn't going well for him. For those that need reminding - Putin ordered the bombing of his own citizens in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Voldgodonsk in September 1999, killing more than 300, injuring more than 1,000 because he wanted to obtain Presidential office - these bombings were blamed on Chechen militants - and served to inflame the Russian populace and to bolster the support of Putin.
Will Putin deploy a dirty bomb against Ukraine? I think it's about 50-50 at this point.

Yeah, yeah - there will be the usual pushback on this assessment. Keep in mind that Putin is a ruthless, vindictive, dictator who is becoming ever more desperate for some sort of political gain as the war drags on and isn't going well for him. For those that need reminding - Putin ordered the bombing of his own citizens in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Voldgodonsk in September 1999, killing more than 300, injuring more than 1,000 because he wanted to obtain Presidential office - these bombings were blamed on Chechen militants - and served to inflame the Russian populace and to bolster the support of Putin.
If he does, it will more than likely be on russian territory than Ukraine, other than occupied Ukraine territory, but Ukraine has no real method of delivery, other than "driving" it there.

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