Russian invasion of Ukraine

As someone who will twiddle the knobs on a normal radio at night to see what random stuff comes up I really should get into the SW world and this guy's vids are fascinating. A manc too.

1st video is a general one. 2nd is one asking for a translation from a native speaker, and said translation is here .

Obviously the voices could be anyone but interesting nonetheless.

Putin looked totally rattled during his speach, blaming the neo-nazi's of Ukraine and the West, the fucking knob. Chatting shit about saving the motherland, when what he really means is saving himself and his cronies. The only country in Europe, that still has a system of ruling in place that's similar to medieval times. Feudal society Cunts.
They have not progressed since July 1918.
Gangster society more like.

The west shouldn’t be pussy footing round with this sham of a country called Russia. They are showing they are weak and that it doesn’t take much for it all to descend into chaos internally for them. All the while whilst innocent people are dying in Ukraine because of their actions.

We were too passive back in 2014 which has emboldened the Kremlin to come back and try for the rest of Ukraine. Sitting back and hoping for a mutiny will cost more lives, the Russians have demonstrated what they will do blowing up dams and leaving a scorched earth policy in Ukraine. Something will happen next with the nuclear power station as they don’t seem to care about their actions. Send the Kremlin an ultimatum to pack up and go home otherwise NATO air power will reign down on your positions in Ukraine. We would then see how much stomach Putin’s army would want to keep fighting his pointless war and then go back to Russia to get rid of him.

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