Russian invasion of Ukraine

Tbf to the russians they have used them really well during the summer to the point Ukraine couldn't advance using armor as them helicopters could take them out whilst staying out of range of air defence.

It was vital for Ukraine to find a way round this and ATACMS now swings the pendulum back to Ukraine just a shame it wasn't done sooner.
I don't understand why Israel would need them against Hamas, they are fighting more of an insurgency than a regular army. Unless they are getting prepared for something much worse in the north.
The US sent reserve US stocks in Isreal to Ukraine in summer 22, so I guess it's restoring those.
155mm artilary pieces have a range of 10 - 35 miles depending on the shell fired. They can take out Rocket lauch sites with drone and satalite Intel and the Excalaber shells a very accurate. Much cheaper than HIMARS/M270 MLRS and Hezbolah has 150,000 rockets apparantly.
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