Russian invasion of Ukraine

Shocked by that to be honest.
Not a trump man And pro Ukraine and Pro-Israel
He still has to be voted in by the full house.
That said he actually could get votes from Democrates for a temporary arrangement.
That’s what they are saying he got votes from democrats to be put forward not that I understand US elections takes me all my time to understand ours ‘the whips’
Shocked by that to be honest.
Not a trump man And pro Ukraine and Pro-Israel
He still has to be voted in by the full house.
That said he couod actually get votes from Democrates for a temporary arrangement to support Ukraine and Israel.

They have to pick someone who will get votes both sides of the house. No other way to get anyone in.

The windows in Sevastopol blew out two huge explosions with no warning must of been big, huge.
The flagship walls trembled in Balakclava and the blast nearly blew all the windows in
The Russian Governor says there’s no panic. I’d be the first one out of Crimea they must know the Ukraine military is coming

Still trying to find out what the German announcement was we would all be pleased with some say it’s not Taurus

Німецький оборонний концерн Rheinmetall і Укроборонпром утворили спільне підприємство, для виконання ремонтних робіт західної техніки.

Створення спільного підприємства в першу чергу направлене на ремонт та підтримку у боєздатному стані бойової техніки переданою Німеччиною, а також іншими західними партнерами.

Крім того, у майбутньому на потужностях цього підприємства буде можливість локалізації виробництва деяких зразків військової техніки.

The German defence concern Rheinmetall and Ukroboronprom have formed a joint venture to carry out repairs of Western equipment.

The joint venture is primarily aimed at repairing and maintaining combat equipment donated by Germany and other Western partners.

In addition, in the future, the company's facilities will be able to localise the production of some military equipment.
Shocked by that to be honest.
Not a trump man And pro Ukraine and Pro-Israel
He still has to be voted in by the full house.
That said he couod actually get votes from Democrates for a temporary arrangement to support Ukraine and Israel.

Didn’t last long. He’s dropped out already.

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