Russian invasion of Ukraine

Good news
400 Russian soldiers trapped they are surrounded

Zelensky presented the "Order of Freedom" to the President of
Argentina Javier Milei at the Peace Summit.
"I present this to you as recognition that you are a person who represents FREEDOM on a WORLDWIDE level
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Do you think the tide is turning?
Kind of depends on what you call tide?
Losing ground slowly to meat wave tactics? - Yes - in most places.
Pushing the Russians back? - Only where the Russians are stupid enough to attack in large numbers, that gives the opportunity to defeat the RU forces in detail and make some ground counter attacking.
A general advance? - No where near.

Note: Meat waves are still sort of working further south in Donetsk. Huge cost in terms of Russian meat but certainly minor advances - A treeline here and there with the occasional hamlet or village.
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