Russian invasion of Ukraine

I do wonder if the delays have been down to the west and Ukraine wanting the Russia air defences degraded more before they get rolled out as to protect them from enemy fire.
Yeah,i think so too.
Russian Air Defence would do much better if Putin did'nt have so many in his back garden in Sochi.

Slava Ukraini.
Not my words.....

These occupiers will feel our wrath. We are driving them off our land, meter by meter, kilometer by kilometer. The Cossacks from Azov set an example for all – our determination and bravery are unbeatable. There is no place for the enemy on our soil. They face only death and disgrace.

Slava Ukraini.

Then “Don't even think about signing a truce, because it will be very bad for you" Chief of Staff of the Azov Regiment Krotevich says: "No peace without victory. There is only one victory – not a single Russian soldier on Ukrainian territory. We will not leave this war to our descendants, and you won't either because if you try, it will be bad. For you and for them. If this is a test, don't even think about it."
Trying to work out if this interpretation of a discussion with Zelenskyy iss accurate hard when you don’t understand the language
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Stuff 01/07:
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Russian Motorcycle Madness.

To be fair it does get Russian attackers from the start line to the target very quickly and minimises loses from FPV drones - and if shelling is well coordinated with the rider attack then Ukrainian defenders can be kept in their bunkers till the Russisns are storming Ukrainian trenches. But therin lies the problem - Russian coordination - either the shelling doesn't stop quickly enough and they they shell heir own - or it stops to soon and the bikers get hammered with machine gun fire.
The increasing Ukrainian use of machine gun drones - machine guns mounted on small remote control tracked vehicles doesn't help the Russians either. These allow Ukrainian troops to fire on the enemy without compromising their actual positions till the last possible moment and reduce the effectiveness of Russians sacrificing a few men to identify a fireing position and then take it out with coordinated artilary fire.
Russian Information war - new front:
Ukrainians to attack Belarus...
Now this is one of the places where Ukraine rotates most of its forces for R&R - just in case.
Why Russia is pulling this stint is interesting...
Russia destroys Trump's "War can be stopped in one day" narrative.
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