Russian invasion of Ukraine

do you think these could maybe have guns pointing at them? Or maybe...

I really don't believe any side in this they are both trying to show the world the "real war " obviously we are getting mostly the Ukrainian side ,it's a war we really haven't got a clue what is actually happening
Zelensky has won the hearts and minds of the world. He's the man of the people, a true leader. He's played a blinder here against cold hard Putin.
Considering he's a political nobody, he was a comedy actor in a soap opera. He ran for election as bit of a joke. Fair play to the guy he is, as mentioned, playing a blinder. Seems like a decent bloke.
Does anybody else think the footage fromUkraine is odd , burned out vehicles but no bodies? Planes being hit but no explosion when theyhitthegroundetc etc ,all seems slightly faked
The ones you are seeing are the ones where the bodies have been removed or were obliterated. I'm sure if you search more - you'll find some very gory footage.
If it's any help I find it best to distinguish between words and actions.

Putin can talk nuclear readiness all he likes, but his actions? Four days in he's got a delegation talking with the Ukrainians. Russia has the conventional weaponry, men and machines, to roll over Ukraine, so why hasn't he done it?

Putin is trapped in the past, he assumed, as happened in so many Western European countries in the early years of the 2nd World War, that faced with overwhelming odds, the government of the invaded country would surrender rather than suffer pointless loss of innocent civilian life. That might still happen here, we get stories and images of plucky Ukrainians, but it's hard to distinguish between fact and propaganda, all countries look plucky against the invader right up to the point they aren't, then knownothing armchair warriors thousands of miles from the action call them surrender monkeys.

The only thing one can say with any certainty is this invasion is not turning out as Putin envisaged.

Putin's appeal to the Ukrainian military to oust their government, so that he can set up a cosy client state in Kyev, along the lines of the one he has in Minsk is the real issue, because that plan is in the shitter.

We're in a world of unintended consequences now, Putin wanted a compliant Ukraine on his doorstep, not a devastated resentful nation under occupation. Ukraine is a huge country of 44 million people, not some tiny statelet in Georgia. He can take Ukraine but he'll never hold it to his bosom,

This war might be playing out on the world stage, but it is not a world war. The world might be supporting Ukraine, but not with boots on the ground. Which means that unless there's a palace coup in Moscow, Ukraine will lose. Soon we're going to find out what the nature of that loss is.

As for Russia? In military terms she will win, but it will be a pyrrhic victory, her principal objectives thwarted.

Churchill was referring to loss of life in the 1st World War when he said this, but it is apt in a broader sense to Russia in this vainglorious war....

"Victory has been bought at a price so dear as to be indistinguishable from defeat"

I wish you were wrong but suspect you are right, no matter how much I want the Ukraine to win, Russia are far to large and strong. They have too many expendable troops and weapons I fear
Considering he's a political nobody, he was a comedy actor in a soap opera. He ran for election as bit of a joke. Fair play to the guy he is, as mentioned, playing a blinder. Seems like a decent bloke.
It would be a tragedy if he got killed. Ukraine possibly going back to a corrupt government willing to bend the knee to Russia.
There’s a very sinister alliance with the far left and Russia which I can only think is born out of some nostalgia because that’s where the motherland of the Soviet Union originated and they hate the West.

Chris Williamson is the latest to come out and attack NATO rather than Russia.

It’s bizarre alright as Russia hasn’t been communist since 1991 and I thought they hated imperialism.
I think your point should not be targeted at one part of the political spectrum but all over, as Russian sympathy (politics, not people) also lies with Trump, Banks, Carlson, Farage and so on, who aren't left wing last time I checked. I think those views lie across society for a variety of reasons. It's strange how eroded left right wing is becoming these days, covid and other political events are causing havoc.
This is very good in conveying the horror but sense of absolute powerlessness that most educated people in Russia seem to be feeling right now:

'I am against this war. Everyone I know is against this war' – Reactions by Russians

Of course, words like this or mine on here are inadequate. On the other hand, I'm not much attracted by the idea of getting arrested at a demo on Nevsky prospekt in downtown St Petersburg and at best being deported away from my family. The worst is a stretch in a hellhole Russian prison. Cowardly on my part, I suppose, but there you go.

I have to say, I'm not coping very well at the moment. Until yesterday, I was pretty philosophical, but now I feel crippled by a terrible anxiety (I can feel the heart palpitations) and depression. I have a lot on at the moment at work, but it all feels utterly futile in the face of what's happening to this country.

Anyway, I don't want to be self-pitying. I'm not in a war zone and will cope. Please save your concern, thoughts and prayers for the brave people defending themselves in this terrible war.
If you need to get out, head for Stockholm.

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