I’ve said this from the start, it was inevitable before the Russians invaded. NATO should have caved into Russia in my opinion when she mobilised troops, in regards to NATO membership and prevented all this. Obviously they’ve not and said they won’t be bullied and if you do this we’ll ruin you financially, which has partially happened, but ultimately they still paying the Russians billions a day for gas. Ukraine and her citizens have been caught in the middle with nothing to gain, as far as I can see. Sure some people will say they’re fighting for their right to join a military alliance, but unfortunately, in this case, it was always going involve a military battle, and a battle they couldn’t win.
As far as I can tell, the Russians are currently demanding recognition of the two areas in the east and Crimea, a change of government and demilitarisation, I assume that means permanent Russian troops for “protection” from NATO.
I assume once this is over we’re going to see a demand for current NATO members to leave, hopefully the financial impact is going to dissuade them from that (and it’s why it’s so important to ramp up renewables now) or it’s going to be WW3.