My wife is Russian, she’s lived in the UK for 25 years and whilst definitely not a Putin supporter fits into that 70% as does her father, a very intelligent man, whom I respect a lot. It’s honestly very difficult for me to get my head around their views which are basically that Russians in East Ukraine have been persecuted, murdered etc by a fascist Ukraine over the years and that Putin has up til now done everything he can for a peaceful solution but now has been left with no other option (oh and NATO takes is share of the blame in all this too). These are of course completely opposite to my views but arguing has become impossible - it’s literally like arguing to a mirror - I say ‘you’re being lied to’ - they say ‘no, you are being lied to’.
It’s difficult for me to understand how smart people can think like this, all I’ve come up with is that this belief that the west manipulates the truth has been ingrained in them for decades that it just becomes who they are.
The whole situation is very sad