Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yeah it could go that way if trump gets in. However I think Macron has realised that russia will just come back once they have rebuilt their military. They can no longer rely on the US to protect our interests so someone has to take the lead. If we was still in the EU I think we would be joint leading with France but that's not the case unfortunately.
...which is why Putin had hackers influencing social media in the run up to the Brexit vote
Interesting article but I don’t think it’s accurate. Europe will never be so coordinated to put together a cohesive military campaign against Russia. Can You imagine the French leading a rag tag group of EU countries against Putin……

Imo return of the orange umpa lump with mean the Europeans push for concessions from Ukraine and some type of ceasefire is agreed with Russia….
You are right about Europe’s co-ordination. The invasion of Ukraine has papered over the cracks. Prior to that France and Germany were barely on speaking terms re military matters. France was backing an EU force while Germany was insisting NATO should lead. They actually cancelled their regular joint cabinet meetings.
When this war is over, the bickering will start again.
Brexit is actually a benefit in military terms. UK can stand back from the impractical idea of an EU Army. Can you imagine the EU Commissioner setting the budget and getting agreement for that enterprise?
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You cannot expect a Confederation, which is what the EU is, to always be united.

It should really be called the Confederate States of Europe. 'Union' is a very long-term aspiration. I doubt any of us breathing today - save perhaps for babies - will live to see a directly elected President of Europe. It's too scary for the nationalists/nativists.
You cannot expect a Confederation, which is what the EU is, to always be united.

It should really be called the Confederate States of Europe. 'Union' is a very long-term aspiration. I doubt any of us breathing today - save perhaps for babies - will live to see a directly elected President of Europe. It's too scary for the nationalists/nativists.
The title ‘Confederate States’ has already been claimed.
From "The Analyst":


The Klieshievka salient is a target for the Russians but they’ve had a very difficult time even starting to organise themselves. The Ukrainians have been able to dominate the Russian supply lines with their fire control to stop them.
Russia has moved much of its artillery north to Ivaniske so they have no effective counter-battery fire.
However Ivaniske has been under huge pressure and Russian forces have been able to move half way into the village. They have been backed up by the return of russian aviation strikes using glide bombs. The Russian command seems to have decided it needs the bombs far more than it needs pilots and has started forcing air strikes again.
However Ivaniske is now a pulverised ruin to the point where there is little cover. The result has been heavy Russian tank and BMP losses along with the troops inside them and escorting them. But you know the Russians. Death and losses mean nothing to them as long as they get what Putin wants.
Ukraine controls the forest area west of Ivaniske and this has been ideal to keep the Russians from advancing. Use of Russian glide bombs however tells you there are no Russian troops in the ruins west of their positions or in the forest.
North in Chasiv Yar the Russians are very slowly approaching at a snails pace. Massive aerial bombing has resumed as they try to destroy all of the high rise buildings and any viable defensive positions in advance.
The Russians are using a huge FAB-1500 bomb which has a 600kg warhead. These bombs and the destruction of defences they bring is how they broke into Avdivka, so they think this will work again. Strategically Chasiv Yar is of vital importance to both sides occupying as it does, the central high ground in the middle of the front.
Meanwhile the Russians continue to ramp up pressure on Robotyne and have gained a small foothold in its southwestern corner. Ukraine is under a lot of pressure here. It’s partly to pull Ukrainian reserves south away from Chasiv Yar, and partly because they’re determined to take this back - along with the Klieshievka salient, to render all the gains from last year’s Ukrainian offensive useless.
The other bizarre frontline event, is the Ukrainian destruction of a wrecked coastal freighter marooned on the north bank of Crimeas peninsula. It was just 5km across the water from Ukrainian territory, and had been washed down the river out of control when the dam was destroyed last year. The Russians were said to have somehow built some kind of command centre inside of it. During the destruction a well known Russian Telegram milblogger was killed - and some claim that General Toplinsky was also on board at the time, but that’s not confirmed. He was critical of the Russian command last year and had been commander of the VDV as Russia ground that force to death last summer. He was then given Kherson front as his command. A poison chalice if ever there was one.

Another challenging day for the heroic defenders of Ukraine but they’re not making it easy for the invaders!

Slava Ukraini !

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