Salford and Trafford should call themselves Manchester

everythingchangesbutblue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Any quick google search will bring up many different articles on the subject, the vast majority of which will detail the benifits of merging the 10 authorities. I'm no authority on the subject but i do have an interest in it so i read numerous pieces on the subject all of which leads me to believe it would be in the best interests of the region for them to merge. You stated "wild statements without facts or figures" whereas if you reread my post i make none, just my opinion. I think the only fact i stated was that G'mcr has the same population as Chicago yet you say my "shut up and accept it stance" which leads me to "poo poo" your request and say go look on goolge

Well i just googled "Manchester, megacity, pros and cons". Not a bad place to start, right. The top two links were both this thread.


Next is something about oatmeal, and Megacities; boundless growth? (an article from 2008).

So now i've searched for pros and cons of megacities and....

Advantages: wider range of culture, more job opportunities, nightlife, recreation, perfect for entrepreneurs.
Disadvantages: lower quality of life (due to air pollution and smog, just to clarify), higher cost of living, lower quality of public services, larger gap between rich and poor.

Yeah, i'm still in the "no" camp, thanks.
So let me get this straight, you did'nt really know much on the subject but your 1st post was set against it and now you have just done a quick search and come up with reasons that could all be applied to the area now and certainly apply to the most prosperous cities on earth and you have decided to base your opinion on that quick search, is that right? Maybe you are right, who knows? I believe that the pros vastly outweigh the cons. If you stand still you get left behind. One last thing about your air pollution smog comment. Its thought that in the next 2 decades graphene could be applied to vehicles as positively charged hydrogen atoms can pass through it. I'm no Damocles but that means cars, trucks planes to some extent etc could be powered by the air. My favourite graphene application though is "predator" style contact lenses that let us see light in all wavelengths. Graphene was discoverd in Manchester but we are lagging behind many other places with the patents for apps. If we had had a merged G'mcr with decisions being made by one council and the clout that council would have had maybe we could have had more investment in just this one area instead of the catch up the goverment is doing now. The stored program computer was invented in Manchester, the pc was'nt.
Not quite.

I already HAD formed an opinion, you found it slightly incredulous, I asked you to give reasons as to why it would be beneficial and you told me to "do my own research". Well I did, and from the first results that's what the opinion was; good in some points, bad in others, especially ones surrounding health. I'm no health obsessed tree hugger by any means, and I too favour scientific progression as being the foremost direction socierty should head in. But 'megacities' rarely offer these benefits of which you speak without consequence and personally I think Manchester is doing quite fine. I simply doubt what benefit can be made by joining Manchester, Salford and Trafford together.
Mëtal Bikër said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Well i just googled "Manchester, megacity, pros and cons". Not a bad place to start, right. The top two links were both this thread.


Next is something about oatmeal, and Megacities; boundless growth? (an article from 2008).

So now i've searched for pros and cons of megacities and....

Advantages: wider range of culture, more job opportunities, nightlife, recreation, perfect for entrepreneurs.
Disadvantages: lower quality of life (due to air pollution and smog, just to clarify), higher cost of living, lower quality of public services, larger gap between rich and poor.

Yeah, i'm still in the "no" camp, thanks.
So let me get this straight, you did'nt really know much on the subject but your 1st post was set against it and now you have just done a quick search and come up with reasons that could all be applied to the area now and certainly apply to the most prosperous cities on earth and you have decided to base your opinion on that quick search, is that right? Maybe you are right, who knows? I believe that the pros vastly outweigh the cons. If you stand still you get left behind. One last thing about your air pollution smog comment. Its thought that in the next 2 decades graphene could be applied to vehicles as positively charged hydrogen atoms can pass through it. I'm no Damocles but that means cars, trucks planes to some extent etc could be powered by the air. My favourite graphene application though is "predator" style contact lenses that let us see light in all wavelengths. Graphene was discoverd in Manchester but we are lagging behind many other places with the patents for apps. If we had had a merged G'mcr with decisions being made by one council and the clout that council would have had maybe we could have had more investment in just this one area instead of the catch up the goverment is doing now. The stored program computer was invented in Manchester, the pc was'nt.
Not quite.

I already HAD formed an opinion, you found it slightly incredulous, I asked you to give reasons as to why it would be beneficial and you told me to "do my own research". Well I did, and from the first results that's what the opinion was; good in some points, bad in others, especially ones surrounding health. I'm no health obsessed tree hugger by any means, and I too favour scientific progression as being the foremost direction socierty should head in. But 'megacities' rarely offer these benefits of which you speak without consequence and personally I think Manchester is doing quite fine. I simply doubt what benefit can be made by joining Manchester, Salford and Trafford together.
A bold faced lie mate. You answerd my post first with something along the lines of " It would be the end for all of us" and "see we can all make wild statements" to a post from me simply stating that i was in favour of it. Honestly pal im done with you, i may be wrong but it will take more than a "quick google search" for me to change my mind. and before you come back with more "i was incredulous" bullshit, quote it in your next post, but ofcourse you can't because i wasn't.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
So let me get this straight, you did'nt really know much on the subject but your 1st post was set against it and now you have just done a quick search and come up with reasons that could all be applied to the area now and certainly apply to the most prosperous cities on earth and you have decided to base your opinion on that quick search, is that right? Maybe you are right, who knows? I believe that the pros vastly outweigh the cons. If you stand still you get left behind. One last thing about your air pollution smog comment. Its thought that in the next 2 decades graphene could be applied to vehicles as positively charged hydrogen atoms can pass through it. I'm no Damocles but that means cars, trucks planes to some extent etc could be powered by the air. My favourite graphene application though is "predator" style contact lenses that let us see light in all wavelengths. Graphene was discoverd in Manchester but we are lagging behind many other places with the patents for apps. If we had had a merged G'mcr with decisions being made by one council and the clout that council would have had maybe we could have had more investment in just this one area instead of the catch up the goverment is doing now. The stored program computer was invented in Manchester, the pc was'nt.
Not quite.

I already HAD formed an opinion, you found it slightly incredulous, I asked you to give reasons as to why it would be beneficial and you told me to "do my own research". Well I did, and from the first results that's what the opinion was; good in some points, bad in others, especially ones surrounding health. I'm no health obsessed tree hugger by any means, and I too favour scientific progression as being the foremost direction socierty should head in. But 'megacities' rarely offer these benefits of which you speak without consequence and personally I think Manchester is doing quite fine. I simply doubt what benefit can be made by joining Manchester, Salford and Trafford together.
A bold faced lie mate. You answerd my post first with something along the lines of " It would be the end for all of us" and "see we can all make wild statements" to a post from me simply stating that i was in favour of it. Honestly pal im done with you, i may be wrong but it will take more than a "quick google search" for me to change my mind. and before you come back with more "i was incredulous" bullshit, quote it in your next post, but ofcourse you can't because i wasn't.
Yeeeah, that wasn't a serious statement. It was more a response to your "this is so, because I believe it is" style of answer, in the same vein of wild, ludicrous hyperbole (as you pointed out, but now i'm wondering if you thought I really WAS beign serious) I'm surprised you didn't cotton onto that straight away actually.

If you've been labouring under the belief that I WAS being serious with that line, then this clearly has been a wasted few hours for you.

Salford and Manchester are invariably linked from salford being in the original parish of Manchester along with stretford and flixton, to the same parish being the Salford Hundred while Salford Manor was the administrative HQ in favour of the Manor of Manchester after the Danish Occupation had devistated it, it has all always still been Manchester Parish and one and the same, two cities can survive together as part of Greater Manchester as they always have.

As for trafford and all the other councils joined as the County of Greater Manchester, they already work well together now, but some places need to be given new purpose, if a devolved GMC exists admistritive powers need to shared out and investment in Stockport , Bolton etc need to be given tram links and more regeneration made, We already are a kind of mega city, you go abroard and people recognise Manchester as the next UK city after London

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