Samir Nasri

Re: Nasri

Wasn't a sending off but serves him right for trying to act the hardman. Trying to prove he's not a pussy after shitting it in the wall against the rags.
Re: Nasri

Marvin said:
The Everton and West Ham players got their red cards rescinded for what I thought was dangerous play.

I think it depends on the MOTD pundits. It shouldn't but the FA seem to be like a feather in the wind. They go whichever way the wind goes

Yer'll always spot a FArce man - it's the fucking weather vane sticking outta their heads!
Re: Nasri

moomba said:
We'll lose an appeal and they'd probably add another game to the suspension.

Nothing in it, but we may as well get used to the idea of 3 matches without.

Have to show some balls and appeal this one.

I have seen it many times Moomba and he was not the agressor as some pundits have claimed.

Ref stuffed up as was the case with Cole and Gibson.

He went on the linesmens view and he just got it wrong plain wrong.

Give yellows to each one if you must but a straight red for that.

Nzonsi deserved his red today but Nasri must have this one rescinded simple as.

I know we risk an extra week but in this case it will be worth the risk.

You have to take a stand sometime and I know all about risk and reward but enough is enough Moomba.

If you don't stand up for your rights you will get railroaded every time whether its justified or not.
Re: Nasri

The red card was a joke. Bassong should have walked for the tackle and when Nasri went head to head with him it was six of one and half a dozen of the other. If he sent Nasri off for that, then Bassong had to go for the same offence. However, that would be asking for consistency and fairness from our referees and that is about as likely as finding rocking horse shit.
Re: Nasri

if vinnies was a sending off against the scum? them bassong needs looking at, very dangerous tackle, about time some of the guys on here should be putting their standard on the blue side, the refs a cnut for letting that tackle go.
Re: Nasri

Re: Nasri

RandomJ said:
Wasn't a sending off but serves him right for trying to act the hardman. Trying to prove he's not a pussy after shitting it in the wall against the rags.

Who says its an act. It was a bad tackle that provoked him into a reaction.
Re: Nasri

No appeal, it will be deemed frivolous and he will get an extra game.

Game is as corrupt as fuck, we all know it and clubs are treated very very differently.

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