
LoveCity said:
Rascal said:
LoveCity said:
we sometimes lack directness.

So you advocate more big Sam style tactics???

I think we have different ways of interpreting the word directness. Hazard is a direct player (and Mancini wanted him), Nasri used to be a bit more direct, and what I meant is sometimes we could use a player like that when we are struggling (as we did have done many times on the road).

Nasri and Silva are like Hazard from what ive seen, only better on the ball.

And if you interpret directness your way, we have the best in the world at it. Yaya
Bombo said:
Is it just me or do we seem to play better without Nasri in the team. I remember last season our best form was when Milner was in the staring line up and Samir was on the bench. I think it might even be a situation like Lampard and Gerrard for England. Can we really play Silva and Nasri in the same team? For me we play play better as a team, and they play better as individuals when only one of them starts, and Silva is the superior player in my opinion.
it isn't just you. I've been saying it since he signed. He's the Emporer's new clothes at city. Shows the ball the defender for too long, passes backwards and loses the momentum of our quick breaks. Has the odd good game but nowhere near enough. He doesn't open defences enough and isn't strong enough.

He's been a poor signing on balance. He's a decent player but not right for city.
Didsbury Dave said:
Bombo said:
Is it just me or do we seem to play better without Nasri in the team. I remember last season our best form was when Milner was in the staring line up and Samir was on the bench. I think it might even be a situation like Lampard and Gerrard for England. Can we really play Silva and Nasri in the same team? For me we play play better as a team, and they play better as individuals when only one of them starts, and Silva is the superior player in my opinion.
it isn't just you. I've been saying it since he signed. He's the Emporer's new clothes at city. Shows the ball the defender for too long, passes backwards and loses the momentum of our quick breaks. Has the odd good game but nowhere near enough. He doesn't open defences enough and isn't strong enough.

He's been a poor signing on balance. He's a decent player but not right for city.

And i thought you wanted nothing to do with the cellar invasions

Im impressed, or im dazzled by your stupidity

DD you generalise way too much, i feel at times your understanding of how the game is today is mired in some sado-masochastic version of the late 90s where Jaime Pollock was god
last seasons last 6 games ?may be wrong but didnt nasri play in all,?
ped said:
last seasons last 6 games ?may be wrong but didnt nasri play in all,?
From February onwards he was probably our best attacking mid last season.
Nasri will be vital to us this year, just as he was last year. He's much more of a goal threat than David and an absolute lethal finisher.
Top player, one of the reasons we were so much improved last season compared to the season before, vital in the run-in.
I really rate nasri - he keeps hold of possession high up the pitch and brings other players into play.
But i think there is some truth to the OP and this season so far you also have tevez dropping deep so there's been silva, nasri and tevez operating in the same area.
Whether it's a coincidence or not silva looked back to his best on saturday (you could see things starting to click with him against dortmund). A joy to watch again
When it is just Silva in the team i think that it is easy to mark Silva out of the game and limit his effectiveness. With Nasri in the team aswell opposition cannot simply mark silva out the game as Nasri needs attention too and leaves space for both to work well with Aguero, Tevez or whoever

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