Sanchez [Continued]

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FantasyIreland said:
Neville Kneville said:
He did but in most games I've seen his main contributuion seems to be chucking himself on the floor & giving the ball away. He's a talented player but will have to change a lot to fit in with Barca, or us for that matter.

Signing him is a gamble for either club imo.

Agreed,although undoubtedly talented he's a cheating fooker and certainly not worth the silly money he is available for.I would rather us sign Aguero,Nasri and Mata.

Totally. Skill, pace, exciting and obviously a dangerous player but not worth 50M. I think he would be a great addition to any side but you have to set a limit and then walk away. No point in being shafted for someone who is not yet the real deal.
MCC said:
FantasyIreland said:
Neville Kneville said:
He did but in most games I've seen his main contributuion seems to be chucking himself on the floor & giving the ball away. He's a talented player but will have to change a lot to fit in with Barca, or us for that matter.

Signing him is a gamble for either club imo.

Agreed,although undoubtedly talented he's a cheating fooker and certainly not worth the silly money he is available for.I would rather us sign Aguero,Nasri and Mata.

Totally. Skill, pace, exciting and obviously a dangerous player but not worth 50M. I think he would be a great addition to any side but you have to set a limit and then walk away. No point in being shafted for someone who is not yet the real deal.

I agree 50m is unacceptable, but I'm not sure I'd call him anything less than the real deal. Suarez looked outstanding for the most part, then Sanchez got going and completely stole the show.

Being on the same pitch as Alexis in full flight made Suarez look a touch ponderous and clumsy...talented, yes, but more lucky in his dribbles than anything else... Alexis on the other hand, looked impossible to predict and impossible to catch, so agile it's unreal... fantastic movement (very much like Silva), always making things happen and reacting the quickest when it broke down... good short and long passing (not just neat but clever). He engineered the space for his goal and produced a top, top class finish, before picking up on a loose ball (created by his own dribble and one-two), twinkle-toesing his way past two defenders and producing an inch perfect delivery that could so easily have won them the game. At least one other one-two should have been seen him clean through but the return ball wasn't quite there. All the while running and running at defenders and winning free kicks. If he's not ready now, he never will be.

Mata might be that good one day.
How come everything on Sanchez has gone all quiet?

Before I went away this lad was the one being talked about the most now there's hardly anything.
skillman said:
How come everything on Sanchez has gone all quiet?

Before I went away this lad was the one being talked about the most now there's hardly anything.

I think its because it has been conceded that Barcelona is his destination.

If it means we are in with a shot of Aguero because of that,then,along with Nasri,and perhaps another,then i'm happy.
FantasyIreland said:
skillman said:
How come everything on Sanchez has gone all quiet?

Before I went away this lad was the one being talked about the most now there's hardly anything.

I think its because it has been conceded that Barcelona is his destination.

If it means we are in with a shot of Aguero because of that,then,along with Nasri,and perhaps another,then i'm happy.

Fair enough, cheers mate. I agree with you though, I'd rather get a couple of top class players than just one.
birchwoodgingerste said:
Barcelona are set to offer udinese henrique,kierrson, and alexander hleb in part ex for sanchez all 3 were out on loan last season via @barcastuff on twitter.

Wasn't it established about 3 weeks ago that Barcastuff is indeed a lying twitter twat.
Barcelona are set to offer udinese henrique,kierrson, and alexander hleb in part ex for sanchez all 3 were out on loan last season via @barcastuff on twitter.

Actually this is getting funnier and funnier by the minute, either Barca are playing a wonderful stratedgy game ie getting Sanchez for peanuts or they are well and truly broke and haven't a pot to piss in.
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