Sara Sharif

Ask the rehabilitation crowd, I would be more happy with a biblical eye for an eye approach personally.
Given the known, sustained period of abuse, he’s given up his “I made a rash decision and it’s a mistake I will have to live with” chance at rehabilitation. He’s a fucking monster and if they need an executioner, my hand is up! I’ll even bring the gun & bullets, gratis!

The systematic abuse of a child, leading to death, is one of the worst crimes in humanity. No mercy shown, none given!
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Is it depressing that this kind of case doesn't even greatly surprise me? And you know what will be spouted at the end of the case, by Social Services, government ministers and the police?

"We must take steps to ensure this cannot happen again". Fast forward two or three years, and guess what? Rinse and repeat.

Sleep easily Sara; you're free of the scum who were supposed to take care of you.

The only lesson that should be learnt is that the chances of this happening are hugely increased with a massively understaffed and underfunded social services.

I doubt it will though. Some poor fucker who ‘missed it’ will probably be hung out to dry and her dept. will be even more stretched as a result.
The only lesson that should be learnt is that the chances of this happening are hugely increased with a massively understaffed and underfunded social services.

I doubt it will though. Some poor fucker who ‘missed it’ will probably be hung out to dry and her dept. will be even more stretched as a result.
Why the fuck do we blame social services underfunded or not if you do that to your own child there's only one **** to blame the fucking shit stain on the planet who did it.
Why the fuck do we blame social services underfunded or not if you do that to your own child there's only one **** to blame the fucking shit stain on the planet who did it.

I don’t know anybody who is ‘blaming’ them.

But people who are capable of this sort of atrocity have always existed and will always exist. It is social services job to basically stop it before it gets that far.

They’re less likely to do so when the industry is chronically underfunded.

Pointing that out isn’t taking any of the blame away from the culprits.
Still can't get my head around this tbh. Absolute barbarism at its evil worst. I hope the bastards die a gruesome long lingering agonising death and then burn in hell for all eternity. RIP angel, your pain is over. Just totally tragic.

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