Saudi Sovereign fund

They have a very young population and still have medieval attitudes to women and sexual minorities. I wouldn't be too sure that Saudi Arabia doesn't see some turmoil in the coming decades, that's if they don't continue to lock up or decapitate all the dissidents.

You can still earn a very good salary in European football, have a good standard of living and culture and not melt in the heat. Anybody moving to Saudi in their prime is silly ****.

The majority of players in Ligue 1, Eredivisie, Portugal will be earning €10,000-€20,000 a week. Even the biggest clubs in the CL every season will top out around €50k/week.

That’s not shabby but you’ll probably be earning that for 5/6 years at your peak and it’s got to last you until you’re dead.

By the time you’ve paid your agent 15% and the taxman has his slice it’s not a lot of money to last 50 years out of work

Also worth pointing out that plenty of football players are Muslim and while they might not advertise it, are not strongly opposed to many of Saudi Arabia’s laws.
That’s not shabby but you’ll probably be earning that for 5/6 years at your peak and it’s got to last you until you’re dead.

By the time you’ve paid your agent 15% and the taxman has his slice it’s not a lot of money to last 50 years out of work
Where does this myth come from that once footballers are retired, their possibility to earn money disappears? For a start, even if that was the case, it wouldn't be a problem. If you become a millionaire early in life, you can basically live off the compound interest for the rest of your life if you don't want to work. But there are plenty of opportunities for an ex-professional footballer as there are for any ultra-wealthy individual.
Where does this myth come from that once footballers are retired, their possibility to earn money disappears? For a start, even if that was the case, it wouldn't be a problem. If you become a millionaire early in life, you can basically live off the compound interest for the rest of your life if you don't want to work. But there are plenty of opportunities for an ex-professional footballer as there are for any ultra-wealthy individual.

No one said they can’t earn again, but it’s a fact that nearly half of professional footballers declare bankruptcy after retirement. They have little to no education, no experience in anything other than football and there’s very few coaching/punditry jobs out there compared to the number of ex players.

Also if you’re bringing work post-career into the equation that changes the discussion a lot doesn’t it?

If you’re a standard midtable professional in a big 5 league and the choice becomes retire at 35 and work for the rest of your life or spend 3 years in Saudi and be on holiday for the next 50 years then there’s a very easy winner.

Firstly, not going to happen, just obvious clickbait. And secondly, if it does happen, they would presumably still have to pay a 'fair value' loan fee as well as pay his presumably ludicrous wages for the purposes of FFP.
The headline was enough for me, we know the redtops will be scouring the Internet to pull it apart that will do for me.
Good luck to Saudi football. I hope that, in spite of the gloom and doom projections, their country can still remain stable for their people and provide the necessary fuel for the world (not overtaken by the Halliburton's of this world) until God gives a viable energy alternative to the next generations.
Good luck to Saudi football. I hope that, in spite of the gloom and doom projections, their country can still remain stable for their people and provide the necessary fuel for the world (not overtaken by the Halliburton's of this world) until God gives a viable energy alternative to the next generations.
Saudi Arabia stable? Ffs, it’s anything but, The House of Saud rules with an iron fist, they can fucking rot in hell as far as I’m concerned, a right bunch of unenlightened wankers. Hope their football project goes down the river, cunts.
Saudi Arabia stable? Ffs, it’s anything but, The House of Saud rules with an iron fist, they can fucking rot in hell as far as I’m concerned, a right bunch of unenlightened wankers. Hope their football project goes down the river, cunts.
I'm talking about the people. The people, not the rulers. People stay and rulers can go. I hope their football project thrives for the sake of their young people.

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