Savic on

He was a much better footballer. I had high hopes for Nastasic at the time but Pellegrini didn't fancy him at all. Blamed him for that fuck up with Hart at Villa Park.
Nastasic completely held his own against a prime Ronaldo and Benzema at the Bernabeu. We almost had that in the bag unfortunately Mancini had one of his erratic meltdowns and completely bottled it.
Spurs at home in the 2011/2012 season (more famously the Balotelli headstomp match) is one of the handful of games I've made it over for. Ended well with the last minute pen, but Savic was fucking terrible that day. Responsible for 2 goals in quick succession and Spurs leveling it up.
Every time Savic time here is discussed it is worth mentioning that he lost his father to suicide shortly after he joined us.

Behaved like an absolute clown against us in the CL though, no excuses there
It is probably a correlation with his father's death and being booed by his own club fans, I guess that sort of thing will instill some hatred in there for the future.

I thought he was a promising player but as mentioned above a couple of mistakes and the boo boys got hold of him and he was gone.

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