school bullying

This is f*cking vile, nasty and disgusting. Horrible bullying sh*t! The girl filming isn't much better either but she's unintentionally given authorities the evidence they need.

Also, are the GMP really this incompetent? "A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: "Police responded to reports of a fight between two school children at around 3pm on Moor Road".

Unless they are referring to other incidents, that isn't a "fight". It's one way bullying!

This is f*cking vile, nasty and disgusting. Horrible bullying sh*t! The girl filming isn't much better either but she's unintentionally given authorities the evidence they need.

Also, are the GMP really this incompetent? "A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: "Police responded to reports of a fight between two school children at around 3pm on Moor Road".

Unless they are referring to other incidents, that isn't a "fight". It's one way bullying!

Fucking sickening, that's made me really angry. Fucking evil little shit. To kick the face is evil and could cause real injuries.
Come police do your job
Hate bullies - was bullied at secondary school and by gang outside of school.
Hate bullying. I hope it never happens to my daughter.

She already knows I won't stand for it anyway. We've had the talk about how to deal with it. (She's 8)

Step 1 you tell the teachers. Step 2 you tell me.

The other month we were at the park. She goes and plays on the swings and stuff while I walk the dog round the park and throw the ball etc. There were some older boys in the park and as we were on our way home she told me they were swearing at her. I said why didn't you tell me at the time... she said she thought I would deck them :D

I've explained she should always tell me. I'm not always going to deck people :D
I don’t need to watch this but I can imagine it’s awful.
Hopefully the bully will be expelled and charged .
I have said for a while now TFGM need to employ more staff to man the trams and the stations.
They are a free for all attracting scrotes as they know they can just walk on .
Bring back the conductors ffs!
cant watch shit like that, my daughter has learning and physical disabilities, and of anyone so much as name called her i would go to town.

i was attempted to be bullied at secondary school,but i could handle myself and didnt let anyone get away with it,this sort of shit sickens me, and i really hope the people responsible are sent down and are bullied themselves,fucking scum.
I was bullied at school around the age of 14 and even now, at the age of 57, think about it occasionally, it's so isolating and schools didn't give a fuck back then (my parents noticed a change in me and went to see the headmaster and that ended the abuse). I battered one of my tormentors after school one night, but never had the chance to get the other 4...I think I'd still give them a slap now.
Drag that kid into school with her patents, show the video to the whole school, expel her in front of everyone and make her and her parents fuck off. Get all the others who are laughing and filming in the background and their parents in suspend the fucking lot in front of everyone, embarrass the cunts.
Im sorry but that isnt bullying, which, lets get it right, is a soft term that people seem to use as a rights of passage type thing for school kids, rather than saying what it actually is.

In this case it’s a violent assault and needs to be addressed by the police.
Bullying is repeated incidents over time of causing physical and/or emotional harm to someone.

We don’t know if this isn’t one disgusting violent assault incident in a repeated series of incidents (which could include all manner of things from name calling to intimidation to threats to physical altercations) which would make it bullying as well as a violent assault.

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