Scotland Independance Referendum

pee dubya

Well-Known Member
21 Sep 2005
So, not long to go now!

Mr Cameron gave a lovely speech the other day beseeching most of you to try and convince us to vote no.

Personally i never thought i'd consider voting yes. I have English parents, 75% of my family are English, but i was born, raised and lived in Scotland my whole life. I feel 100% Scottish.

But gradually, i've begun to question my lack of questioning, my automatic instinct was - No way! But i never really thought deeply about it. And besides i always assumed we'd never actually vote yes, as a nation, anyway. To be honest i'm wavering now, totally on the fence, i have no idea how i'll vote come September, if anything i'm now edging towards independence.

I'm not really concerned whether we'll be better off, who the PM/President/Whatever will be, who we're getting rid of down South. Because all that is either total guess work, or subject to change anyway. We might be better off, we might not, it's not something that we have total control over anyway. It's a decision for the unforseeable long-term.

I'll make my choice based on what i feel, my emotions, not what i think will or might happen, or what anyone else thinks might happen. Maybe the wrong approach, but come the decision time i think it's the only thing i'll be sure about.

I wasn't really going to bother with this thread, because i never really believed that the outcome was in doubt. But i've changed my mind, a lot (i mean a lot) of people i know had the same initial reaction as me, but their feelings have followed a similar path. I think i lot of people are wavering and that's shown in the latest polls.

I'm sure plenty of you are totally apathetic or want rid of us, and some of you want to keep us together, i'm just curious to canvas opinion on here.

I believe it's going to be a lot closer than people think.
You're voting in a geopolitical decision based on emotion.

There's nothing else to say really. You make your own bed in life
I think it will be overwhelmingly stay


I don't care in the slightest
What pisses me off is the thought that they might actually vote no.

Would be great if England and Wales had there own vote and told them to do one
the god Gerry Gow said:
What pisses me off is the thought that they might actually vote no.

Would be great if England and Wales had there own vote and told them to do one

+1. Really hope they vote to leave. Maybe Duncan Smith and Osbourne can call for them to stay as well as Cameron.
I want Scotland to be part of the UK. I think it's ridiculous that from such a small island, we can't all get along and class ourselves as British.
Pull the plug on them as far as I'm concerned. Shut off the border, implement passport control, place currency restrictions so they have to switch from Sterling, pull all Government contracts for ship building and the like, pull any military or border control support, implement policies to attract all financial services from Edinburgh...

If they want to go it alone they can pay for all the expensive stuff themselves too, they can't have it both ways.

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