Season ticket prices 2016/17

A few pages back another Pablo made a break down of the number of tickets in the cheaper categories which were available. It is true the cheaper tickets were available at least right to the end of the season ticket period if not still available once the season ticket sales stopped.

So in that sense we can't say people are being priced out but that people are being priced out of the better seats.

Agree totally.
And plenty disagree so there we have it. Some are happy some are not. Who'd a thought it eh?

I don't dispute the increases particularly in the 2 or 3 years before 15/16 were on the hefty side.However, as I have posted previously, I thought the club did brilliantly for 2015/2016.

The thing I don't understand is if everyone is so sensitive to price why did it take several days for the £380 to be snapped up in the new stand during the relocation window? Why weren't all the £299 tickets snapped up? Why do people moan about paying £700 or whatever when there are plenty of cheaper seats with great views that they could have moved to?

I should add that if they if piss about with stupid increases this year I will be as mad as everyone else.
I'm a tourist. A 'new fan' who has supported this club for 48 years. I live a long way away from the Etihad and this season is my first as a season ticket holder. The new stand gave me that opportunity. So, please don't give me the lazy tourist shit. I will renew each year from now as I suspect most other new season ticket holders will. And I do give a fuck what I pay thanks.

You've been supporting the club for 48 years, you're not a tourist.

When people use the word 'tourist' they're describing the floating football tourists with no interest in a specific club, or who hold a indeterminate interest in several, who are only taking an interest in City because we're now a top club. The type that have no real affinity to City, just want to watch some top players and take a few selfies in front of the pitch.

Then you have the gloryhunters who've jumped aboard City bandwagon now we're a top side, and want to start attending the odd game. Usually a day out, rare trip for these people, so they don't mind paying £50-£60, or even more, for a ticket as it's a rare expense - and they'll probably spend more than that in the club shop buying the latest tat anyway.

Both of these types would quickly evaporate if we were ever relegated.

At which point the club would once more be reliant on the actual core support to get through the turnstiles and fill the ground, rather than taking their loyalty for granted and gradually pricing them out as they seek to exploit the new demand from the two former groups.

I've made this analogy before, but you need to think of CoMS/The Etihad as a glass. The core support are those who are City not because they're a top club, but because they're blue through and through, they go to games to support the club not wank over an expensively assembled side of superstars, they'd be there irrespective of the club's fortunes on the pitch. Not all will be able to afford a season ticket, or commit to one as a result of work/family commitments, but they're blues, they go to games to support City, and would do so irrespective of whether we were challenging for titles or battling relegation.

Back to the CoMS glass analogy. The core support are Vimto concentrate, as a modern Premier League club you'll always have some football tourists, if you're a bigger club you'll have some gloryhunters, these two groups are the water.

Every club has to find a balance. You can't add too much water, as once you do the drink loses all taste, and it's no longer Vimto.

Tom Glick and Soriano, let's be frank here, are diluting our glass with too much water in pursuit of a couple decimals points in the books. They don't care about the taste of the drink, as long as the glass is more or less full, their job is done. They're satisfied.

They don't care about the core support, clearly, so it's on us to lobby them some way to ensure they take notice of us, and stop taking us for granted.

Our match crowd has changed over the past 5 years, and it's continuing to change as we speak. People are being gradually priced out or are being disillusioned with the club/supporter disconnect to such an extent that they believe the expense is no longer worth it, even if they could theoretically still afford it.

The demographics of our crowd on a match day are changing, it's becoming more sterile and sanitised every year.

And all the while the core support are looking around and realising this is all changing, that their proportion of the match crowd is becoming smaller. This adds into the disillusionment, and then the renewal window comes around and there's another increase.

This is leaving scars on our support, and if we don't address it soon it could do irreversible harm to our match crowd - the very soul and character of the club.

But once more, to reiterate, Soriano and Glick don't care about the taste of the drink as long as the glass is more or less full. About time people recognised this, and we made it clear we're not happy with it.

The financial realities are such in the Premier League at present that there is absolutely no justification for it, and we shouldn't stand for it.
This is what I don't get. It ain't rocket science and I made that choice (as did you I think) and I'm well happy with it.

I did. It was a financial necessity to move, due to relocating down south, and I'm grateful the club has expanded and provided the £299 ticket to cater for all fans pockets.
We're a business and not a football club anymore. They didn't even bother adding 'football club' on the new badge if I remember correctly.
We've been a business ever since Manchester City FC LIMITED was formed in 1894. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves, in England football club owners have had their snouts in the trough from the day football started to take off as a spectator sport. Now with worldwide TV coverage the money is getting much bigger but don't kid yourselves that there was ever some "golden age" when the clubs really cared about the fans rather than about the fans money. It is what it is and always has been - take it or leave it.
One or two are missing the point. I want to pay less than I am for 117 and I want cheaper Seasoncards all over the stadium. City don't care who is inside on match day. They just want the cash in the tills.
Everton call themselves "The peoples club" of Liverpool and whilst not fully understanding where that originated it seems this latest gesture goes some way to acknowledging that.
Would be good if City made similar gesture. Nobody is asking for £10 a game tickets or even a reduction just some fairness with the influx of money that is coming to each Premier league club next season. I have had a season ticket for over 25 years but had to move last year as I couldn't afford the continual increase and will not be able to afford another increase this year. I already stopped the platinum charge but kept the cup schemes.

Surely reality must kick in at some stage with the powers that be or is that too much to ask for.

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