Season Ticket Waiting List | Sold Out

I missed the boat this year, I do have circa 6k points from years ago but that's by the by. I did get intouch with hospitality to see if they had any availability, that was about 6 weeks ago, the person said they would pass my details on and I haven't heard anything since.
Frustrating, I haven't chased up as we have been getting married so been a bit crazy but will see if I get any answer from my follow up today.
I did the same yesterday, but was told all of the bars were sold out. Got an email today saying they did have availability in “catered” though…at £3,500 a pop. Er, no thanks.
I can see why City have introduced the Silver season tickets's obvious that they want to maximize the income from the games against the so called big teams.
I think they should have given the fans who applied for the new season tickets a choice of either the gold or silver option..some fans might be happy to get a much reduced s/t but there will be plenty who want to go the the bigger games too who would be happy to pay the full price of a gold s/t.
Yes I have a gold s/t and I wouldn't be impressed if my only choice was a silver s/t.
Hopefully when the North Stand is expanded there will be a few thousand more gold tickets rather than the silver only option.
I'd have happily got one of the Silver seasoncards but would have preferred Gold. For me it's not so much about the opposition but the affordability of going to watch the club. I certainly don't consider a Silver 'shite'.
What's annoyed some is that it looked as though it would be an option to take up either Gold or Silver by the individual. The Silver only offering seemed a token gesture to pacify Cityzen members with the club constantly banging the drum about the membership being the only way of getting on a non-extistent waiting list. If there wasn't a window at all the membership numbers would take a hit.
The lack of clarity about what happens at the end of this season is also baffling with the Silver. If there were indeed individuals that downgraded from a Gold with the view to doing it for a season say and then going back to Gold could now potentially be off the table?! Bizarre.
The benefit of £5 off £60 EPL tickets means you'd have to spend £420 on 7 games to have broke even with the membership fee as there's clearly no waiting list. To me that doesn't represent good value. Others may disagree.
The biggest mystery to me is they have removed "Get yourself on the Seasoncard Waiting List" as a benefit in Cityzen Matchday Memberships they're selling ... does that mean, Cityzens would now on only be offered Silver seasoncards and Silver would be able to upgrade to Gold/Platinum from next season on ...
The biggest mystery to me is they have removed "Get yourself on the Seasoncard Waiting List" as a benefit in Cityzen Matchday Memberships they're selling ... does that mean, Cityzens would now on only be offered Silver seasoncards and Silver would be able to upgrade to Gold/Platinum from next season on ...
They removed that just before the window mate. Maybe it will go back on now its finished.
All a mystery. Doesn't sound like they even know what they're doing.
They removed that just before the window mate. Maybe it will go back on now its finished.
All a mystery. Doesn't sound like they even know what they're doing.
Yup, seems like they make it up as they go along from one week to next ... not like a clear strategy planned and lined up and announced to everyone and then just go with that ... it's all changing all the time ... revolving doors and all that!
The biggest mystery to me is they have removed "Get yourself on the Seasoncard Waiting List" as a benefit in Cityzen Matchday Memberships they're selling ... does that mean, Cityzens would now on only be offered Silver seasoncards and Silver would be able to upgrade to Gold/Platinum from next season on ...
Who knows what it means?

For the record, I’m a FOC SC holder going into my 51st year of having one but I’m disgusted at the underhanded way the club have removed the option of buying a SC for new potential members.

It’s like some bent company saying ‘Please refer to our terms and conditions section 28 sub section C’. This will be the first time in my memory that a season ticket/season card hasn’t been on offer for all home games
An idea to boost attendances -
Sell only silver season tickets to new/returning season ticket holders and say they are only eligible to upgrade to gold the year after if their card is used for all 14 games.
An idea to boost attendances -
Sell only silver season tickets to new/returning season ticket holders and say they are only eligible to upgrade to gold the year after if their card is used for all 14 games.
And existing season ticket holders are switched to silver if their ticket hasn't been used more than 14 times.
They removed that just before the window mate. Maybe it will go back on now its finished.
All a mystery. Doesn't sound like they even know what they're doing.
On the contrary, they know exactly what they are doing!

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