Actually your reply i find inflammatory.
I cant afford it unlike some of the loaded people on here. Yes it's my choice what i do for work, and yes it's my choice whether i put myself in debt for a seasoncard.
But I'll tell you what, it usually cost about £50 to travel from Scotland before you took into account the coat of everything else.
Now i live in Australia, people think i dont have a right to continue. I used to travel back and apary from my family City was the only other thing that got me going for a return.
I'm really sorry that your wealthier than me, and that im having to pass up on something i have loved so much.
You know how it feels when a long term love ends? Thats how i feel right now.
I wish i could think of a stronger word than gutted, i really do. Its absolutely painful knowing im forced to give something up I've loved so much.
Hope you're never forced into that position