Seasoncard Renewals 2017/18

£20 increase in CB 325 so, £820 for Platinum which although I can afford, it will be dropped as a protest the only means I have to show my disgust that once again we face an increase I will also email the club to tell them.

Remember the Sheikh's words in his letter to fans?

we will act always in the best interests of the club and all of its stakeholders, but especially you the fans.

Though there really isn't any justification for putting the prices up and it will ultimately lose the club money, I'll give you that.

So let me get this right,you are saying that me,me personally wouldn't be much of a loss to stop going to City,is that what you are saying about me ?
Quite a few will be doing this I suspect which makes the decision to raise prices look even more stupid. For every £10 or £15 increase, they'll be losing £50 and that doesn't include people coming off the cup schemes. So if 20,000 tickets have gone up by an average of £10, it'll only take 4,000 people cancelling Platinum to negate the increase. This could actually lose the club money so is an utterly incredible decision.
I don't disagree with what you write, and I find the increases hard to accept or understand. Many have been questioning the value of Platinum in recent seasons and, judging by the many ticket points system threads, quite a number are binning it off as they recognise its minimal value. Might it not be such an incredible decision from the club if the increases are in place to mitigate against a decrease in Platinum revenue, something that was going to happen anyway?
I will renew but I do think it is very short sighted of the Club Heirarchy to enforce any increase this year. I don't even want to think about the percentage increase in my ST over the last 7/8 years but let's put it this way my Salary hasn't gone up nearly 100 per cent to cover it....

I can't believe they have imposed any increase at's not a good move.
What is the average increase then? It's probably very difficult to work it all out as all the seats are priced differently and you'd have to weight each category by the number of seats.

If you believe official date, average pay settlements are running at 2% so in real terms a 2% increase leaves us back where we were last season.

I'd be interested to see what the prices were for categories of seat this season and last so we can get a feel for what the average increase is. If it is 2%, no big deal. We're on average no worse off. If it's 5% or more, then you'd have to ask why?
Statement by 1894 via


Sam Lee
Getty Images
The Catalan has asked his bosses at the Etihad Stadium to improve the atmosphere and attendance, but season ticket prices have now been raised
The leading Manchester City supporters' group has hit out at the club for raising season ticket prices for the 2017-18 campaign.

Goal revealed in April that Pep Guardiola has instructed the City hierarchy to find a way to improve the atmosphere at the Etihad Stadium.

Guardiola wants better Etihad atmosphere

Guardiola believes a full and noisy crowd will help forge a winning mentality in his squad and has asked CEO Ferran Soriano to speak to fans and come up with initiatives.

The 1894 Group are part of that consultation process and have already suggested several measures, including safe standing.

As a result of those early meetings the club have already decided to instruct the City captain to kick towards the south stand, where a singing section has been set up, for the second half of games.

But it emerged on Tuesday that City have implemented an average price rise of two per cent for next season, with some seats going up by as little as £5.

The 1894 Group has put out a statement in response, insisting Guardiola's desire to improve the atmosphere is doomed to failure while the club's decision makers continue to put up prices.

The group believes the rises will force out long-term supporters and attract new fans who pay for season tickets but do not turn up to matches, leading to a number of empty seats at the Etihad.

"Before the takeover, if our ground was a 47,000 sell out then every seat would be taken on a match day," the statement reads. "You wonder if the fans dropping away are being replaced by people who just want the status of having a season ticket and they are simply picking and choosing which games to attend.

"We have Pep asking people in the club what they can do about the atmosphere. But our message is you can't have it both ways. You either make it all about the money, or you try to ensure we have a partisan atmosphere at home games. That could mean the difference between finishing fourth and first and the club make even more through prize money than they ever would from stealth rises."

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Despite the 2% rise in many areas of the stadium, City have frozen the price of their cheapest seats, which at £299 are available to 2000 fans in the south stand and are cheaper than the lowest-priced tickets at 16 other Premier League clubs.

The club have also reintroduced a 'Value Gold' scheme, where supporters with no preference as to where they sit can pay £299 for the opportunity to be given a seat anywhere in the stadium, potentially in more expensive areas.

But the 1894 Group insist that is nothing but a "publicity stunt" and that all prices should have been frozen given the huge revenue increase at City and other Premier League clubs as a result of the mammoth television broadcast deal which came into effect last summer.

"The price freeze for the £299 tickets applies to a handful of seats, so that's a PR stunt because so few people actually benefit from it. If they can freeze some prices surely they can freeze all.

"Stealth rises are still rises and we know there will be many fans who decide it's one rise too many and will jack it in. Of course there are some fans who feel the rises are acceptable and others will renew even though they have told us they feel a price freeze would have been fair.

"Every year it goes more and more corporate at our place. The rising prices cannot be justified given the TV deals and the silly amount of money that is now in the game at the top level. The benefits of that are not being passed down to the fans."
exactly. some of our fans seem to justify it though, with 'its only 15 quid'..... its gone up every year now pretty much. it will go up next season and the season after. yet there will still be people saying its not that much. gradually people are being priced out, the atmosphere is getting worse and there are more empty seats. there is no justification for these rises at all.
£15 on a £800 ticket could leave you better off, if your pay has gone up by 2% a year. This is a silly discussion as no one seems to know the facts without which it is impossible to know whether as a supporter base we're worse off or not.
Memo to Khaldoon and Soriano.
Drooping LC scheme.
Dropping FA Cup scheme.
Dropping EL scheme if City drop into it.
All food and drinks also dropped from those schemes.
You've actually lost more money than
your petty £15 increase.
Serously considering dropping platinum as well.
There's anothet £50.
Hope both of you are happy?
Go and tell Sheikh Mansour you are driving revenue, but pissing the fans off. Bet you won't.

I think the club have taken us for granted thinking that we'll just fork out the money and those that are platinum will keep it anyway, big mistake as it could cost them more than they've Raised, just wonder if the club are releasing more season ticket numbers to get more on the waiting list to buy season tickets, just s thought!

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