Season's Over For Me

No matter where we finish be it third , fourth or dare I say it below lets try to enjoy each match as best we can.

A couple of cup games now to take our minds off our struggle for fourth.

Again we lacked that clinical pass and desire to win at all costs to stamp our mark on the game especially when it really mattered in the final 15 minutes.

Slowly we are improving our standing in the league but it will take a lot more time than many think with no major setbacks on and off the field for us to start really challenging for honours.
Its daft to say the seasons over but I will admit 4th is looking very tough at the moment. Spurs have players missing and still managing to get 3 points. Unfortunately we don't have a Bale or Modric to come back, yes i know Nige is due back and he's important to us but he's never going to get us goals like they will. On top of that the conumdrum with Tevez, Balo and Dzeko may need some "time" to sort out and thats something we don't have in the league. We cannot afford ANY more slip ups as we've used up our breathing space. However the Europa or the FA cup is something I can still see us winning so like i say it isnt anywhere near over.
Uck, balls.

We'll win our next six (I include Villa in the cup in that), and that'll give us great momentum. A draw at Chelsea will follow, we'll beat Sunderland, draw at Liverpool and then be in great nick to face Spurs at home. I'll eat my fucking haaaat if we don't finish at least 4th.
Thank fuck you have fuck all to do with the day to day running of the club.
And thank fuck you are not in charge of morale
citymad said:
4th is looking very tough at the moment.

Of course getting 4th will be tough, it was always going to be. Still think we have as much chance as Spurs and Chelsea of getting it though. Both those teams will be looking at it and thinking it will be equally tough, I would have thought. Chelsea are capable of being the best team in the country but if they don't totally get their act together they are in danger of not getting top 4 because their fixtures look particularly tough to me.
Lancet Fluke said:
citymad said:
4th is looking very tough at the moment.

Of course getting 4th will be tough, it was always going to be. Still think we have as much chance as Spurs and Chelsea of getting it though. Both those teams will be looking at it and thinking it will be equally tough, I would have thought. Chelsea are capable of being the best team in the country but if they don't totally get their act together they are in danger of not getting top 4 because their fixtures look particularly tough to me.

The problem is I can see the others capable of putting a long run of victories together - I just can't see us doing it! There is something seriously wrong with the mentality at our club.

I also think we got brow-beaten into not spending money in Jan transfer window (a dominant centre half, creative midfielder & winger are vital I think), which I think will cost us Champions League. If that happens, then I fear that we will never make it as our spending will be restricted by ffpr and not being able to attract the best. Probably an over gloomy view but a view nonetheless.
YaYa's Left Peg said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Of course getting 4th will be tough, it was always going to be. Still think we have as much chance as Spurs and Chelsea of getting it though. Both those teams will be looking at it and thinking it will be equally tough, I would have thought. Chelsea are capable of being the best team in the country but if they don't totally get their act together they are in danger of not getting top 4 because their fixtures look particularly tough to me.

The problem is I can see the others capable of putting a long run of victories together - I just can't see us doing it! There is something seriously wrong with the mentality at our club.

I also think we got brow-beaten into not spending money in Jan transfer window (a dominant centre half, creative midfielder & winger are vital I think), which I think will cost us Champions League. If that happens, then I fear that we will never make it as our spending will be restricted by ffpr and not being able to attract the best. Probably an over gloomy view but a view nonetheless.

Believe me when I say I am naturally a pessimist but I really don't things have been as bad as people have said recently. I think we will win our next home game, I see us just as capale of picking up points as anyone else and I am sure that Chelsea and Spurs will slip up a few times from here on in. I am not going to say we will definitely get top 4 but I reckon Chelsea and Spurs will be just as nervous about it as us. People seem very negative after yesterday, I suppose that is natural but if we play like that from here on in, I'd be confident we will finish 3rd or 4th. We have every chance.
spanishblue said:
Thank fuck you have fuck all to do with the day to day running of the club.
And thank fuck you are not in charge of morale

And thank fuck you don't write our press releases ;-)

I've give up letting comments such as the OP's bother me - I have to listen to drivel like that almost every game from the miserable twat who sits behind me. It used to really bother me - now I just think he's a knob. Whilst most of us are enjoying the game he's just being miserable and getting nothing out of it.

Fuck 'em mate - me, you and the rest of the happy clappers should just carry on enjoying the ride.

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