sell robinho today

Obvious Mancunian said:
wouldnt say he is our best player, take the price tag off his head and tell me he's performed better then the likes of ireland, bellers n nige. potentially our best player, but in reality, hes been no where near.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Yeah sell Robinho

We proved V Fulham we don't need him with our dynamic attacking play.

Fuck me, some people.

Sell our best player but hey it's ok, we still have an ex utd player playing so everyone is happy.

yep ! along with Ireland. top goal scorer last season, in his first season, while injurd, while having a rape charge hanging over his head. Not bad eh. Oh sorry this season. TBH i havent seen much of Robbie this year so i carnt comment...
rastus said:
We need to get rid of Robbie, we arnt big enough to handle all the shenanagins that comes with Robbie a world class player that the top club has shown a desire to sign.
Our owners have given us a gift to show intent of their vast investment, in return we have given them a spoilt and small minded mentality.

Shame you Blues, very, very sad.
No, they bought a football player, one of many, that was struggling at one club because he wasn't good enough to be first choice and his over inflated ego couldn't handle it. World class my arse!
personally, i would let him go. he's served his purpose by being here and attracting some big names, but we can attract players without him now. he's a talent, but would be better off abroad. he's just not the correct piece in our jigsaw.
It's kind of like the Tevez saga over the summer, something that everyone was only waiting to see made official.
That's the way it looks to me, I think he is gone come January.
I don't think we need a replacement for him to be honest.
I'd rather see the RB position sorted out.
dom said:
rastus said:
We need to get rid of Robbie, we arnt big enough to handle all the shenanagins that comes with Robbie a world class player that the top club has shown a desire to sign
Our owners have given us a gift to show intent of their vast investment, in return we have given them a spoilt and small minded mentality.

Shame you Blues, very, very sad.

Given recent vibes from the part timer who calls himself robby what do you suggest then, rastus ?

I suggest we get into gear and get used to these reports, the bigger and more succesfull we get the more the media wheel will turn.
Dont be turned by the media against your own club and especially players and special ones at that.
This season is soooooooooo important for us, for our future.

We have signed players that are capable of playing in the CL, if we dont get it this season it will be more difficult next and more difficult to attract players.
So take these reports with a pinch of salt, we are high profile at the minute and tbh thats where we want to stay.
The last thing we should be doing is slagging off , he shite, cant play pl, etc does make us look small

or something like that
Neil McNab said:
rastus said:
We need to get rid of Robbie, we arnt big enough to handle all the shenanagins that comes with Robbie a world class player that the top club has shown a desire to sign.
Our owners have given us a gift to show intent of their vast investment, in return we have given them a spoilt and small minded mentality.

Shame you Blues, very, very sad.
No, they bought a football player, one of many, that was struggling at one club because he wasn't good enough to be first choice and his over inflated ego couldn't handle it. World class my arse!
Deluded not him ;)
I don't want to personalise this issue to Robinho-I would love nothing more for him to stay and prove he's the best player in the world.

The problem is-if you allow one member of the squad to be treated differently on a regular basis,it sends out completely the wrong message to the others.While every player is different,there are basic standards of club discipline that must be adhered too.
Taliking about playing for other clubs to the press-be they in Brazil,Argentina,wherever, is an absolute no-no...doing it more than once,plain stupid.

I wonder what would happen if the likes of Bridge had told the press of how he wanted to play with Cole and Drogba at Chelsea again?He'd have been quite rightly slaughtered on here.

One rule for all,I say.
My prediction is he won't move in January but will at the end of the season when it suits him. As Brazilians have done in the past leading upto a world cup he'll not play a great deal of football for us this season either.
Neil McNab said:
My prediction is he won't move in January but will at the end of the season when it suits him. As Brazilians have done in the past leading upto a world cup he'll not play a great deal of football for us this season either.

But will score 20 with 14

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