Everybody is missing the point, just because the club made clear that joining the cup scheme made you eligible for tickets before others doesn't mean to say its right, just because somebody tells you that they're going to do something before they actually do it, doesn't mean its right, yes we were given prior warning, but that in no way means that its 100% infallibly the right thing to do. I have no doubt whatsoever that there were circumstances by which people could not commit to the CS this season, but have attended the majority if not all of the cup games like myself. I've said it on here time and time again, all it is, is money talking. Just because you were able to set up a direct debit should not automatically mean you should be guaranteed tickets for a cup final, you could be a first year season ticket holder who was financially secure enough to join all cup schemes and you would be given a ticket before a person with over 10000 points who may have lost their job and just couldn't commit to the cup scheme, in who's mind would that be fair? Money > Loyalty