Sending an Xbox 360 off for Repair

got mine back after 6 days. i was expecting 2-3 weeks so i was very happy. Early signs of the shakes were apparant, so i was very relieved i got it back so soon.
Also you will get a 1 month gold subscription when it is sent back to you.
Is it an under warranty repair? If not I took my son's to a place in Blackley, 30 mins and £30 later back working.
I sent mine off a couple of weeks back and it was back in 5 days. It was the same console, just repaired.

As the big debate, ps3 pisses on the xbox all day long. (I've got both too). The xbox controller plays like it's been designed by a five year old blind kid with 6 fingers.
Stevinio said:
I sent mine off a couple of weeks back and it was back in 5 days. It was the same console, just repaired.

As the big debate, ps3 pisses on the xbox all day long. (I've got both too). The xbox controller plays like it's been designed by a five year old blind kid with 6 fingers.

I've never understood comments like that mate. I mean are you seeing the same thing i am. Both systems hucked up to a nice big HD TV? Because if you are then how anybody can say the PS3 looks better is just madness.

all games that are available for both consoles are developed specificly for the 360. Then they are crudely ported to the PS3. There are so many games i have played for PS3 that suffer terribly because of this. Severe frame rate refresh issues are commonplace. All you have to do is compare Fallout 3 on both consoles and this is obvious. It is aparently an issue in over 60% of all multi console titles released for the PS3.

In regards to the controller. Well i guess thats just personal preferance. The PS3 pad is adequate but the 360 pad in my opinion is perfectly designed. It sits beautifuly in the palm of your hands. The layout of the thumbsticks and triggers are far superior. Your fingers constantly slip off of a PS3 pad after long periods. An issue which was acnolaged by Sony who developed an accessory to sort out this design flaw.

There is a very decent and totaly impartial article which i will post a link to. It's a good read and proves undoubtedly that the 360 is way more powerful graphicly than the PS3. No matter how much sony fanboys stamp their feet. It doesnt change the fact that as an overall gaming console (which afterall is what we buy consoles for) the 360 is the better machine. even with the reliability issues.

PS. this following quotes are taken from the article linked below:

"If you pay attention to actual game developers, and not the angry fanboys, you will learn that no, the Playstation 3 doesn’t have “more graphics power” than the 360. The fact is, XBOX 360’s Xenos GPU itself has far more computing power than the RSX GPU
that resides in the PS3"

"In the end, I think we can say that multiplatform gaming is getting closer to parity, but it’s not quite there yet. The 360’s superior graphics power is especially applicable to multi-platform games
that do not get a lot of development time to make full use of Cell architecture,
and the XBOX 360’s GPU allows it to run at higher resolutions while eliminating jaggies with “Free” Antialiasing"

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ars-later/</a>
BlakeTheBlue said:
Stevinio said:
I sent mine off a couple of weeks back and it was back in 5 days. It was the same console, just repaired.

As the big debate, ps3 pisses on the xbox all day long. (I've got both too). The xbox controller plays like it's been designed by a five year old blind kid with 6 fingers.

I've never understood comments like that mate. I mean are you seeing the same thing i am. Both systems hucked up to a nice big HD TV? Because if you are then how anybody can say the PS3 looks better is just madness.

all games that are available for both consoles are developed specificly for the 360. Then they are crudely ported to the PS3. There are so many games i have played for PS3 that suffer terribly because of this. Severe frame rate refresh issues are commonplace. All you have to do is compare Fallout 3 on both consoles and this is obvious. It is aparently an issue in over 60% of all multi console titles released for the PS3.

In regards to the controller. Well i guess thats just personal preferance. The PS3 pad is adequate but the 360 pad in my opinion is perfectly designed. It sits beautifuly in the palm of your hands. The layout of the thumbsticks and triggers are far superior. Your fingers constantly slip off of a PS3 pad after long periods. An issue which was acnolaged by Sony who developed an accessory to sort out this design flaw.

There is a very decent and totaly impartial article which i will post a link to. It's a good read and proves undoubtedly that the 360 is way more powerful graphicly than the PS3. No matter how much sony fanboys stamp their feet. It doesnt change the fact that as an overall gaming console (which afterall is what we buy consoles for) the 360 is the better machine. even with the reliability issues.

PS. this following quotes are taken from the article linked below:

"If you pay attention to actual game developers, and not the angry fanboys, you will learn that no, the Playstation 3 doesn’t have “more graphics power” than the 360. The fact is, XBOX 360’s Xenos GPU itself has far more computing power than the RSX GPU
that resides in the PS3"

"In the end, I think we can say that multiplatform gaming is getting closer to parity, but it’s not quite there yet. The 360’s superior graphics power is especially applicable to multi-platform games
that do not get a lot of development time to make full use of Cell architecture,
and the XBOX 360’s GPU allows it to run at higher resolutions while eliminating jaggies with “Free” Antialiasing"

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ars-later/</a>

I hear what you're saying fella. I agree, the xbox graphics ARE superior but the overall performance of the ps3, as a multimedia centre for ALL the family, not just the 'gamers' pisses on the eggbox. I'm sticking to my guns on the controller, though i suppose it's all down to preference.
The Cell processor was a stupid idea and the reason why the PS3, in my opinion, hasn't faired well in this generation. It made games too hard to design for. If some game developers could be bothered opening up the full potential of the multi-core structure the PS3 gaming experience would improve immensely and theoretically put the 360 to shame but the reality is that game developers want to make games, not challenge themselves to unlock the hardware. That process should be made as simple as possible and it isn't with the PS3 and its Cell processor. Focusing on the GPU has been shown to be the superior solution.

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