Sergio or Silva?

I think one of the reasons that they are both so loved by City fans, is that in spite of all the barbed comments about 'mercenaries' since the takeover, they both have a genuine attachment to the club. That doesn't mean for a second that they weren't enticed here with promises of riches, or that they aren't ultimately driven by their own career ambitions, but those aren't mutually exclusive to having an affection for City, which I'm certain they both do. This is something supporters of clubs like united and Liverpool cannot accept or comprehend, which makes those players' feelings for the club that much more satisfying. As far as I, and I expect many other blues are concerned, we can fully understand why a player would get so attached to such a colourful and idiosyncratic footballing institution (plus, sky blue is such a fucking great colour) even if rags and Liverpool fans can't.

As to the question in the OP (and I've asked, and been asked much worse 'what if' questions) then I would keep Silva. They are both model professionals and have hugely likable personalities, but Spanish Dave is as near as I've seen to perfect as a player and a professional. The way he conducts himself on and off the pitch, his will to win, determination and his apparent lack of ego make him a truly remarkable person, as well such a fantastic footballer. He also strikes we as an intelligent man too, which is something I always admire in others.

It's a privilege to have him associated with our club (not just as a player) and long may it continue.
Emotionally (I'd keep) David just. He's been here from the start and was one of the guys who pulled the banner down.
Mind you Sergio had that moment of moments ... christ this is hard ... no still David.

As a player (I'd keep) Sergio just.

What a bloody awful question to have to answer.
One of the interesting things about the totally bullshit David Silva rumours is that it has prompted an awful lot of aggression and emotion. Many people see David Silva as something absolutely special, totally apart from anybody else in terms of his talent and have personally taken to him and his half-Spanish/half-Japanese attitude to things.

Sergio on the other hand is probably our most high profile player who created his own history with the Agueroooooo moment that constantly lives on even outside of City fans, to the point of people like Enes Unal mentioning it on Twitter years before signing. He is our talisman, his son Benjamin plays in our pre-Academy and despite knowing he could walk into Madrid or Barca tomorrow, he stays and vehemently tells the world that City is the place to be.

My difficult question is that if we absolutely HAD to move one of them on, which one would it be?

These rumours made me realise that if Aguero went to Real Madrid then I'd obviously be extremely disappointed but I could understand it in the grand scheme of things and would hope he goes over there and absolutely destroys the league. But if David Silva left then it would completely change my entire perception of the current squad - not in a rational way of course but Silva seems to be my impression of what an absolutely perfect footballer looks and plays like. His attitude is just tremendous and for my money he just seems to "fit" at City.

This isn't really a question about resale values, passing statistics or the like of, it's more asking that on an emotional level which one could you sacrifice to keep the other?

I'd sacrifice Sergio for silva. But I'm panicking a bit because I've had a busy day and have heard nothing about any 'rumours'. Off to the transfer thread with trepidation.
To be blunt I have no idea's what rumours are about.

Would be amazed if either are trying to force a move as in every interview they talk about being settled etc.

So which one to sell?


They have made such a impact and would be difficult to replace but it's the process of regenerating a team. Did anyone want Tevez or De Jong to be sold? I guess No would be the anser but the team moves on.

Perhaps I'm in the old mindset of "take the money and run" but my loyalty lies to the club not a player.

Good fishing though Mods.

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