Serious question relating to us and FFP(update P17)

It's difficult to add anything more to what's already been said in this thread.

However, one observation I have made is that FFP is probably being discussed far more by City fans than those of any other club - even then, I think it's only a minority of blues that are talking about it. Most of my match-going mates, for instance, have only taken an interest in this very recently but before then didn't even deem it worthy of discussion.

A quick look at other club's forums shows hardly any interest in the topic at all - RAWK has a 1 page thread in their general forum comprising only 9 posts, Villatalk has a slightly longer 1 page thread on it, Friends of Fulham only 1 page made up of 7 posts, and Arsenal Mania has a 3 page rolling thread but it started nearly 2 years ago. I've not been on Red Cafe these past couple of days but when I looked the other week they had a longer thread than those mentioned above but it just seemed to be the same few people posting on it over and over again and the amount of contributors represented only a tiny fraction of the active users on there. Contrast that to this forum where every time the subject becomes prominent news there are countless pages of posters giving their views.
from City's point of view, i'm not worried cos in the next 3 years we'll be well safe making profits and enough to compete at the high level.

I'm all for financial stability in the PL. But i fear this will damaged the Premier League in the long run. If a club is limited to what it can spend, then every team cant compete on a level playing field financially. And its the competitiveness that makes the Premier League the strongest and best league in the world.

Those clubs with high turnovers, have massive commercial arms in Asia, South America, North America and the Middle East, the likes of City, United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool, they shouldn't be worried. its the teams that are middle and bottom that will never be able to bridge the gap in order to compete.

It is about the top teams keeping their status. Unfortunately, they took to long to stop City joining that elite.

For years, the Premier League got stagnant. Because it was always the same team battling it out at the top. It was getting boring. Then City and Spurs invested heavily to bridge the gap and the league became exciting again.

Clubs like Arsenal and Liverpool cant complain that their "elite status" is down to City and Spurs spending money and leap-frogging them. Its their own fault for bad decisions in ownership changes or how they run their club, that have meant they havent invested to keep up.

But i feel sorry the the other teams. the likes of Everton, Stoke, Newcastle, (Villa are down) and the likes, that under the limits, they wouldn't be able to invest to the scale to bridge the gap to the top clubs. The Premier League will turn into a 3-tier league, the same teams winning the league, those that will hope of a 4th spot but always finish 6th-14th and the promoted and relegation threatened clubs fighting it out always to stay in the league.

I fear it will turn the Premier League into the likes of Italy and Spain, somewhat predictable.

But if you are going enforce what clubs spend on players, wages etc. then you have to cap things like transfer fees, agents fees and ticket prices. But then if you do that, they the top players will be put off coming here when they can get more elsewhere.
City should prospose a ticket price cap for supporters, say £20. The media would love it, we can afford it, Manure and the gang of 4 will hate it.
I just hope at some point there is such a sucker punch message from our owners which ensures all the other clubs turn round and fuck off with their tails between their legs.

Timing is the key - as much as I'm gagging for it to be now - I hope it's a message with Nuclear Bomb/Meteorite proportions

Fuck em all
cookster said:
City should prospose a ticket price cap for supporters, say £20. The media would love it, we can afford it, Manure and the gang of 4 will hate it.

I'd love us to do that.

It would never get through, but we'd be able to see those clubs that are genuinely interested in the good of the game, and those that are only interested in their bottom line.

Revenue sharing as well, see Gill and co backtrack quicker than Rooney at a salad bar.
I find the whole concept of FFP absolute b*llocks.

There are so many variables that make nothing equal

Arse can charge 1500 for a season ticket because they are located where they are - City could never ever do that, local supporters generally just couldn't afford it. So already Arse are not on a level playing field with us.

So City have a rich owner - whats the difference, he allows us to have a bit more money than the Arse owners so its a leveller.

The premier league and English football is so liked because of the way its played and the fact anyone on their day can beat even the City's and the Rags. If you look around Europe - how many countries have teams that have won the European Cup that have dropped down and stayed there for years. This happens because our league is more unpredictable and the teams that are at the bottom strive to get to the top.

FFP has stopped an element of that and I think it's for the worse. People point to Leeds, Rangers Portsmouth, they did not have to spend the money they did, the reason they went into trouble is that they chose to live the dream and are now paying the price.

If they really want fair play then they should allow clubs to charge what they want but only allow max £25 per person through the turnstiles to be counted within the accounts. They can have as much sponsor ship as they like with a max of say £100 mill alowed for FFP accounts. Then limit spending against these figures.

We all know this will never happen because there is no such thing as fair play - there never has and there never will be - it's all just agenda's
bluscuba said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Ever since UEFA and now the Premier League attempted to broach this subject, I have reached the conclusion too many people believe they know the pertinent facts.

One thing I have yet to hear is the policing process in terms of the Premier League assessing the accounts of clubs.

UEFA have invested millions into investigative units. I will be interested to see which clubs ask the Premier League to drill down into our released accounts, ask for elaboration.

It'll be like the UEFA belgium bloke - a financial expert and advisor currently unemployed due to his dire financial track record. Failing that it will be Gill in a bowler hat.

Our owners voted against it for a reason. The avenue of cheating the system or challenging it in court is open to them but it's not an attractive one given their motivation. The amount of abuse they and us as a club have taken over the last 4 years, some of it blatantly racist, the rest bitter, while our owners have acted impeccably. Imagine the flak if they started really throwing their weight about. I'd love to see it, but I'm doubtful it's what they want. They must maintain the threat of further action though and hope someone else challenges it IMO though.

I somehow think that we are about to piss once again on someones toes, when we reveal further sponsorship deals for the forthcoming season,possibly from further afield than Abu Dhabi.
I think City have half been expecting this outcome and deals are well in place.
Someone posted a while ago on here about Arsenal being hypocrites regarding FDP as they were given a very substantial amount of money years ago when they were skint. Can anyone remember the details?
Dubai Blue said:
Someone posted a while ago on here about Arsenal being hypocrites regarding FDP as they were given a very substantial amount of money years ago when they were skint. Can anyone remember the details?

Danny Fizsman funded new contracts for Tony Adams and Seaman and the purchases of Bergkamp, Vieira, Anelka etc.
We have all been made aware why the so called FFPR have been introduce to try and stop the following.

2010–11 season Liverpool was on the verge of bankruptcy and the club's creditors asked the High Court to allow the sale of the club, overruling the wishes of Hicks and Gillett.

24 January 2012, Portsmouth were issued with a winding up petition by HMRC for over £1.6 million in unpaid taxes,

My question is, would it be in the interest of FFPR to have one club saved while another goes to oblivion based on recent success/history if a similar situation arises ?

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