Serious question relating to us and FFP(update P17)

Ultimately the clubs at the top want to preserve their status.
The clubs in the pack want to preserve their PL status and try to ensure that it's a constant cycle of "whoever comes up goes straight back down again".
We, whilst we might not like being financially restricted, will be at the top table and will still compete and be fine, and therefore while we may not necessarily like it it is also in our best interests to keep ourselves at the top.

Not nice I know but I reckon that's why we won't make too big a fuss about it, I think ADUG will want to protect their investment as much as make a positive contribution to football.
Im fuming and hope the club is too. Time to do a PSG and announce £150m a year sponsership with x,y or z and a big f#%k you to the rags. Being nicey nice and toeing the party line hasn't worked. We're dealing with the biggest shower of c**nts since football began,time to be a bit more ruthless in our dealings. The amount of shit the club has had thrown at it in the last 4 1/2 years is disgraceful. We have listened to countless digs at us from Uefa right the way down the European football pyramid,without a single comeback from the club. I can understand image is very important in UAE circles but now is the time to act if ever there was one.
If the amount of loss allowed is under £105 million over 3 years, what if we did not lose a penny in years 1 and 2. Can we then spend the £105 million in one season to rejunvanate the squad.

A silly point I know but it is all getting silly.
Ever since UEFA and now the Premier League attempted to broach this subject, I have reached the conclusion too many people believe they know the pertinent facts.

It makes for good soundbites, whether pro or against these rules, highlights real agendas and bias towards clubs such as City.

Would I trust an Ambulance driver to keep my heart pumping in the street?, you bet.

Would I subsequently trust him to perform by-pass surgery?, not on your nelly.

They say a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, but too much now in terms of opinion being expressed as fact.

I implicitly trust our owners to make the right decisions, have that preparedness, at the right times, to bring both expertise and financial power to the fore.

I couldn't care less if the drawbridge has gone up for those clubs whose fans dream of a better day.

The fact is, they have bought into the narrative, allowed themselves to be manipulated, and now clubs will reap what they sow.

One thing I have yet to hear is the policing process in terms of the Premier League assessing the accounts of clubs.

UEFA have invested millions into investigative units. I will be interested to see which clubs ask the Premier League to drill down into our released accounts, ask for elaboration.
mayo31 said:
If the amount of loss allowed is under £105 million over 3 years, what if we did not lose a penny in years 1 and 2. Can we then spend the £105 million in one season to rejunvanate the squad.

A silly point I know but it is all getting silly.

In a word, YES.
I might be a minority on here with this view but I agree that something needs to be done about money in football because some of the fees and wages in football is getting truly ridiculous. Also the fact that clubs like Everton, Villa and Newcastle only hope of competiting for the league is down to getting a rich benefactor shows how unfair football is.

However it pisses me off the way people blame City for this situation as if we are the ones who have ruined football. All we have done is spend money to catch up with the likes of United, Chelsea and Liverpool who have been spending millions for years.

Another thing what pisses me off is the fact that other football fans actually think United, Arsenal and Liverpool etc are acting out of the fairness of football rather than for their own interests.

Liverpool are the club who not long ago was talking about clubs negotiating their own TV deal.

United are the club who earn the most money and have the most sponsorship deals and are the top dogs income wise in the league.

Chelsea can fuck right off the bunch of hypocritical wankers. They have done all their spending and now want no other clubs to catch up.

Arsenal would be fucked if they didn't receive top money for their players

I would like City to propose some proper fair play proposals and watch United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs squirm at the thought of them.

1. Propose that all match prices are set 20 pound per ticket for every match for every team.
2. Propose that teams may have a maximum of 10 sponsors.
3. Propose to Uefa that the Europa league gets more prize money so it is equal to the champions league.
4. Propose that all clubs can spend a maximum of 50 mil per transfer window.

This would properly make football fair but I'd guarantee that the majority of top European teams would be against it.
What annoys me is, they will have meetings about who should be able to spend what and bring prices and wages down, but they don't spare a thought for the fans.

I know it's completely different, but when are the clubs going to discuss match ticket prices? I actually hope the reds who go to Arsenal make it known their not happy about paying £62. Seeing as they get what they want they might raise the issue better than we did or the Liverpool fans did. Football seems to be getting less and less about the fans, end of the day, we should be their first priority, whats a football club without its passionate and loyal fan base?
MCFCDroylsdenBlue said:
What annoys me is, they will have meetings about who should be able to spend what and bring prices and wages down, but they don't spare a thought for the fans.

I know it's completely different, but when are the clubs going to discuss match ticket prices? I actually hope the reds who go to Arsenal make it known their not happy about paying £62. Seeing as they get what they want they might raise the issue better than we did or the Liverpool fans did. Football seems to be getting less and less about the fans, end of they we should be their first priority, whats a football club without its passionate and loyal fan base?


If clubs are only allowed to spend £4m of the £20m+ windfall they're about to get with the new TV deal I bet that the remaining £16m isn't going to spent making it cheaper for people to get to games.
allan harper said:
If other clubs have shot themselves in the foot then fuck em. Our boss won't be wanting us to be operating at losses over a £100 million so I don't see an issue with this ruling. We won't be spending huge (nor need too)amounts of money on players again. If we want a player we'll bid for him no matter what. United where never going to go away even without this ruling, Arsenal will continue as they always have. Liverpool may move up in the on coming seasons and us and Chelsea will just keep improving. I don't see why Mansour has to fight this, there's nothing to fight.
Where here to stay so I couldn't give a fuck.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Ever since UEFA and now the Premier League attempted to broach this subject, I have reached the conclusion too many people believe they know the pertinent facts.

One thing I have yet to hear is the policing process in terms of the Premier League assessing the accounts of clubs.

UEFA have invested millions into investigative units. I will be interested to see which clubs ask the Premier League to drill down into our released accounts, ask for elaboration.

It'll be like the UEFA belgium bloke - a financial expert and advisor currently unemployed due to his dire financial track record. Failing that it will be Gill in a bowler hat.

Our owners voted against it for a reason. The avenue of cheating the system or challenging it in court is open to them but it's not an attractive one given their motivation. The amount of abuse they and us as a club have taken over the last 4 years, some of it blatantly racist, the rest bitter, while our owners have acted impeccably. Imagine the flak if they started really throwing their weight about. I'd love to see it, but I'm doubtful it's what they want. They must maintain the threat of further action though and hope someone else challenges it IMO though.

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