Sheffield Wednesday to ask fans wearing fake shirts to leave the ground!

I know the comments here and elsewhere are all light hearted / piss taking but in all seriousness if this is to be enforced, the stewards simply need to react like a night club / pub bouncer does when refusing entry to people trying to get in without having to give a reason why they arent being allowed in. Legally they can do that.
Now whether you would get a refund if you have bought a ticket is another matter.....
Outside the ground absolutely. But jacket over the top, and once you're inside it's much more difficult. Either way it's a potential spark which nobody needs at a football match.

Once had a set to at the Brunswick in town. More than happy to serve us a couple of rounds, went up for the third, served us, then follows us outside to say no footy tops. Sure, no problem, we'll sup up and go apparently wasn't good enough. Long story short, we left but we didn't leave any sooner than we would have done otherwise.
I can actually see these being implemented as time goes on, Football Clubs are obviously losing serious amounts of money from supporters not purchasing officially.

Clubs need a reality check, They bring out four shirts every single season and then you've two goalkeeping shirts also, When you have kids it costs an absolute fortune to get yourself shirts and the kids shirts also, Clubs need to reduce the price of shirts dramatically.
It would be interesting to know exactly how much a shirt costs to make and reference that against the price it is sold at.

The production cost of a typical £80 shirt is just £8, covering materials, labor, and transportation, with manufacturing usually taking place in Asia. When a shirt is sold, the retailer, often the club itself, pockets £26.40, while the manufacturing brand receives £23.47

Ah, can’t you just smell the freedom?

What’s funny is that the Chinese are free to produce and sell shirts, but the “free” British purchaser isn’t allowed to wear it!
I can actually see these being implemented as time goes on, Football Clubs are obviously losing serious amounts of money from supporters not purchasing officially.
Aye, in the same way the record labels 'lost' £3000 when little Jimmy used the family computer to download 300 albums from Limewire back in the day. If your product is too expensive for people to afford, you haven't lost money when they buy something cheaper instead.

I can afford football shirts but I've stopped buying them, because I got sick and tired of a 60 quid shirt looking like shit after 3 washes. Meanwhile a sports top made of the same material that I actually use for sport lasts a good few years.

I didn't think the clubs actually made money from shirt sales anyway (except the club shop). I thought they just sold the rights and then the manufacturers made the money.

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