Sheikh Khaled attempting to purchase Newcastle

My only surprise is that someone didn't buy NUFC a lot sooner. Been a sleeping giant for years. Massive upside potential if investment is done in the right way. Wonder though if they'll get the same level as vitriol as we've had to endure since 2008 ?

Their stadium being in the City centre is a problem for growth.

You can also rest assured that it will be our fault, anything Newcastle will be linked to City.
Oh dear , touched a nerve here mind.

anyway , you never take away how loyal the toon army are.

If it was up to me .everybody would get the same cap in spending on transfers . make it a fair game . .best of luck lads

I have some good Geordie mates, and I am pleased for them if this happens. They were season ticket holders for decades, but have boycotted Ashley for past few years. Not gobshites, just loyal fans.

But, they will be the first to shoot down this rose tinted specs view of the 'loyal toon army', as they, like us, recall the gates you got before the Keegan revolution came into play. Which were by comparison to our being at similar level, and even lower, poor.

As for a 'spending cap', like the often suggested by some 'wage cap', nope. It was never called for when others were dominating through financial might. Why now?
they've got a very good manager and he will with money sort them out to be a very good team imo

I reckon they could be a very good team in 2 years, maybe not challenging for the title, but a chance of getting top 4 and maybe a cup. Will be very interesting who is appointed Chairman.
You have to think that the cousins have talked about this and the implications of FFP. For the deal to still go ahead says all you need to know about City’s stance.
I would go as far to say that the this is part of concerted effort by the cousins to break up the old European guard after recent moves to attack us. The real winners here are Newcastle and City.
My only surprise is that someone didn't buy NUFC a lot sooner. Been a sleeping giant for years. Massive upside potential if investment is done in the right way. Wonder though if they'll get the same level as vitriol as we've had to endure since 2008 ?
My only thought is that it's not in an attractive area of the country. Massive support, but can't charge the same prices as London clubs and may find it more difficult to attract top players, initially at least.

As for the vitriol, it will probably follow a similar pattern to us. Laughed off by the established clubs initially and getting most of their stick from the clubs around them angry that they're taking players from them (remember Villa and Everton fans when we were first taken over?) and then the Champions League regulars and national press once they realise there's a serious threat to the established order.

Of course there's no guarantee that large amounts of money will lead to success. So many clubs in the PL have money nowadays and we were very careful to get it right behind the scenes too. There may also be quite a few years of massively overpaying for decent but not world class players, and that's where so many rich owners have failed expecting quick results from that and ending up with squads of decent players on world class money. Even we had a fair few years where we struggled to get fairly average players off the books after attracting them with huge pay and long contracts. Players like Bellamy or Adebayor who, while being exactly what we needed at the time, were never going to be long term solutions and yet came on 5 year contracts.
There was some confusion last night they were cousins but because the family is so vast it does seem they are brothers. Not sure how this bodes for related party conflict but you can bet your arse sheikh mansour will give his brother all the wisdom and knowledge he’s obtained from his experiences with us and dealing with UEFA etc

I’m hoping this is a statement of power by the UAE. Hopefully and certainly separate competitive entities but a massive step towards solidarity in fighting the sanctions and well all the arseholes out to get us

If this deal goes through Newcastle can avoid all the traps we fell into when first starting out
you can see some new UEFA directive : cousins/brothers/half brothers/UAE nationals cannot own separate ELP teams! What? They are cousins-twice removed? Quick draft a second amendment to the amendment to the amended directive!!…:)

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