

Well-Known Member
7 Jul 2014
Went away with the girlfriend for what was supposed to be a romantic few days away last week but spent most of the time in absolute fucking agony with what I thought was sciatica in my leg that was affecting my groin and waist too.
Back to work today and had to come home because I was in agony and couldn’t bare my clothes touching me. I stripped off and lo and behold I’ve got shingles all over my leg and waist. No rash in my groin but Jesus the pain in my bollocks is ridiculous!
Anybody else had experience with this and any advice please? Currently lying on the bed on my front trying to watch the game as it’s the only remotely comfortable position.
I got Shingles about 20 years ago, it was agony, but it went away after a week. I was barred from work meetings for a month because there were two pregnant women in the team, which was the only good thing about it. For a few years after, I got a bit of minor irritation/pain in the area where my shingles cropped up (in my neck in my case) every time I caught a cold or other minor ailments. There was no apparent cure, the doc said I just needed rest and keep away from pregnant women.
Went away with the girlfriend for what was supposed to be a romantic few days away last week but spent most of the time in absolute fucking agony with what I thought was sciatica in my leg that was affecting my groin and waist too.
Back to work today and had to come home because I was in agony and couldn’t bare my clothes touching me. I stripped off and lo and behold I’ve got shingles all over my leg and waist. No rash in my groin but Jesus the pain in my bollocks is ridiculous!
Anybody else had experience with this and any advice please? Currently lying on the bed on my front trying to watch the game as it’s the only remotely comfortable position.
Got it a couple of years ago. Thankfully I was prescribed meds quickly and didn't have much pain.
A colleague has also had it, twice in the last few years, and was off work for 6 weeks both times!
Went away with the girlfriend for what was supposed to be a romantic few days away last week but spent most of the time in absolute fucking agony with what I thought was sciatica in my leg that was affecting my groin and waist too.
Back to work today and had to come home because I was in agony and couldn’t bare my clothes touching me. I stripped off and lo and behold I’ve got shingles all over my leg and waist. No rash in my groin but Jesus the pain in my bollocks is ridiculous!
Anybody else had experience with this and any advice please? Currently lying on the bed on my front trying to watch the game as it’s the only remotely comfortable position.
We had the local health authority in at my school: 80+ kids had chicken pox and several adults had shingles.
Lots of school-age children developing things (chicken pox measles etc) that they’d normally have already had as infants but increasing number of parents are anti MMR vax and kids also missed out on mingling/ catching stuff due to Covid.

We’ve 4 members of staff who are pregnant who are now not teaching due to the high prevalence of chicken pox and measles.

I’m fortunate...I’m not pregnant
Had it a few years ago. Woke up in the night with an itch on my back. Noticed what I thought was a bite. The next day a rash broke out over my chest and round to my back. It was horrible. Just wanted to be left alone. Blistered after after a few days. Very painful. I was told that if reached all the way round my body it was known as “The band of death “. An area of my back where it was is now numb to touch.
Thanks OP.
It's a free vaccine here and you just reminded me to make an appointment at the Doc's.

I already got the covid booster and just had the flu-vax. Forgot about Shingles.

PS. Also had this recently.
Pneumococcal vaccines are vaccines against the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. Their use can prevent some cases of pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. There are two types of pneumococcal vaccines: …
The NHS shingles vaccine is for over 50's with weak immune systems and over 65's for the rest in the UK. I remember my father getting it on his face 40 odd years ago and I still can recall the agony he was in. Bloody atrocious thing.

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