Shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort (Las Vegas)

So, if I have a gun but can't get upstairs, I get shot. Presumably then If I don't have a gun, I still get shot. If I am already upstairs, I maybe still have a bit more of a chance than with a baseball bat.

As I am not American or in the USA, I am not really influenced by their gun lobby or media.
Thank you. The sound of reason from someone who can't be painted as a gun nut. I appreciate your perspective....and grasp of logic!

Some of these people think they can bring their knuckles and non-"bottle merchant" mentality to a gun fight!

There is nothing a burglar hates more than the sound of a shotgun shell/gun round being chambered! Unfortunately, any burglar who gets into my house won't even hear that, as it is already in there. He will hear one thing..."I am armed and I will kill you! Leave now!" If that doesn't do the trick, then I can't fix stupid, but I can fix dangerous to me and my family.
It certainly LOOKS like a bad shoot, which is not helped by the officer not talking, but "facts"? Sparse at best.
And the point the poster was making is that ‘bad shoot’ wouldn’t have happened if no one had guns. We have wankers in our police force as well, the worst they can do is give people a kicking or tazer them. The poster I agreed with is bang on with reference to the fact that all the training in the world doesn’t stop mistakes happening. The problem is a mistake with a gun can rarely be rectified after the fact. It’s pretty final.
It really should be easy. The US is NEVER going to give up guns. Let the citizens have handguns, try and keep controls and regulations as strict as possible. Take away the semi-automatic rifles and similar weapons that are only intended to kill as many people as fast as possible. Baby steps.
Carry on, tough guy! That'll help you greatly should you ever be faced with a home invasion in the US.
Where as I’ve already posted the stats that 0.01% of people that own guns for protection ever get burgled where as the other other 99.9% are 4 times as likely to injure themselves or someone else with their gun than actually defend themselves.

Just say it, you like guns. You like their power. You don’t want to lose them. No one is gonna argue against that point as it’s your real opinion. The self defence argument is, for 99.9% of people, not valid.
I am armed and I will kill you! Leave now!" If that doesn't do the trick, then I can't fix stupid, but I can fix dangerous to me and my family.
I bet you got a semi typing that.

Edit: I don’t mean AR15
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"Bottle merchants."

Hmmm, Scottish tough guy. Got it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Carry on, tough guy! That'll help you greatly should you ever be faced with a home invasion in the US.

Ah the dreaded home invasion. Locks and decent alarm systems usually seem to be doing a better job at keeping burglars at bay though.
Also, most burglaries seem to take place between 10 am and 3pm, so you're likely not even home to shoot anyone.
Err, Magna Carta?

It may be amusing to denounce the foundational documents of a country that, in a few centuries, went from a revolutionary war to remove itself from under the boot of Britain to possibly the most powerful country in the world. However, many citizens of that country find almost any denunciation of America from someone from Britain as somewhat laughable.

None of that speaks to how I feel about the Constitution.
Was curious if this would come up. And whether the US psyche associates guns with freedom in a way that British folk might not understand. In this way British
people trying to tell americans what to do with guns could, I imagine, easily be perceived as an attempt to take away freedom (even if not consciously) 200 years after independence.
"Bottle merchants."

Hmmm, Scottish tough guy. Got it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Carry on, tough guy! That'll help you greatly should you ever be faced with a home invasion in the US.

I look forward to it. I'd just shout take what you want I'm insured for plenty.

Just an observation about the fear level. Reinforced by American shows like Mahers whose show examines how the right wing media try to terrify people. Everything's a threat.

Peoples fear of Islamic terrorism
Is off the charts. We aren't in the same league regarding people fearing an islamic attack and we are much more likely to have one.

A lot of people believe this hyped up shit and are actually in fear, where no real threat exists, then to solve that they buy a gun, but are still scared, so they buy another, but still edgy, they buy an assault rifle.

Where does it end. When will they realise it's designed to make them scared to sell them guns and to have a big military.

Easily scared. I stand by that.( not everyone obviously but enough)

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