Shooting in Munich

Brilliant, they're at it as well! All we need.

Should point out that's not confirmed but there is a video of a man having a rant about Germany and the current situation they are in, he also says "I am a German". If it's three seperate co ordinated attacks then personally I think it is Islamic terrorism.
Off to Oktoberfest in September. Would be such an easy target. Won't stop me going though.
Should point out that's not confirmed but there is a video of a man having a rant about Germany and the current situation they are in, he also says "I am a German". If it's three seperate co ordinated attacks then personally I think it is Islamic terrorism.
On the Sky news website there's a photo of two people with guns, certainly don't look like police or indeed your typical terrorist.
The footage is poor quality but the shooter looks white going by the footage from Twitter posted on the BBC live updates page.
It most definitely is not a right wing terrorist. 3 different shootings taking place at the same time. Has all the hallmarks of radical Islamic terrorism once again.
Why would nationalists kill random people? They would target 'non-Germans'

Some news outlets are being 'pranked' to report it as a nationalist called "Samuel Hydberg" - based on a 'Sam Hyde' meme. RT have already fallen for it
Anyone else becoming desensitised to this stuff yet?

Was just thinking this whilst browsing twitter. I remember during Charlie Hebdo and the more recent Paris attacks that every tweet was about it. Tonight most tweets are about other things, people going on with their daily lives. It's getting to the point where it's a weekly occurrence.

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