Shooting outside the House of Commons

Don't think he needed to go abroad for training for that sort of attack. If it was organised there would have been multiple attacks not just one.
He's been in Saudi Arabia, could have been there on pilgrimage but who knows, more to come out on this individual
The Security Services have no failed in this instance, and the BBC can f**k off pushing this agenda.

The best the security Services could have been expected to have done in this instance is carry out a periodic check on this individual. In truth, probably just a quick PNC check to include known associates. If anyone of his known associates pops up on a list of people of interest then they would do some digging. Other than that, they wouldn't have put him in a high risk category.

There are hundreds if not thousands of people who fall into this category, and any one of them are capable of carrying out an act of terror; either alone or as part of a group. MI5 simply do not have the resources to watch every single one of then 24 hours a day.

This guy has fallen off their radar because he kept himself to himself for the most part, and the only reason people are making connections now is because he actually went and did what he did.
The Security Services have no failed in this instance, and the BBC can f**k off pushing this agenda.

The best the security Services could have been expected to have done in this instance is carry out a periodic check on this individual. In truth, probably just a quick PNC check to include known associates. If anyone of his known associates pops up on a list of people of interest then they would do some digging. Other than that, they wouldn't have put him in a high risk category.

There are hundreds if not thousands of people who fall into this category, and any one of them are capable of carrying out an act of terror; either alone or as part of a group. MI5 simply do not have the resources to watch every single one of then 24 hours a day.

This guy has fallen off their radar because he kept himself to himself for the most part, and the only reason people are making connections now is because he actually went and did what he did.

Not even that. Everyone is capable of carrying out an act of terror. They'll have eyes on those most likely to, but it doesn't stop a complete unknown from dramatically jumping onto the radar.

I could be planning on mowing down some pedestrians and this forum post (which I wouldn't need to make) would be the first and only indication of what I was going to do. Even then, this post may or may not be traceable to me as a person (I'd imagine it definitely could, but I could make it a lot more difficult for it to do so).
The Security Services have no failed in this instance, and the BBC can f**k off pushing this agenda.

The best the security Services could have been expected to have done in this instance is carry out a periodic check on this individual. In truth, probably just a quick PNC check to include known associates. If anyone of his known associates pops up on a list of people of interest then they would do some digging. Other than that, they wouldn't have put him in a high risk category.

There are hundreds if not thousands of people who fall into this category, and any one of them are capable of carrying out an act of terror; either alone or as part of a group. MI5 simply do not have the resources to watch every single one of then 24 hours a day.

This guy has fallen off their radar because he kept himself to himself for the most part, and the only reason people are making connections now is because he actually went and did what he did.

Yep. Any blame should lie with the people who were close to him but kept quiet
Not even that. Everyone is capable of carrying out an act of terror. They'll have eyes on those most likely to, but it doesn't stop a complete unknown from dramatically jumping onto the radar.

I could be planning on mowing down some pedestrians and this forum post (which I wouldn't need to make) would be the first and only indication of what I was going to do. Even then, this post may or may not be traceable to me as a person (I'd imagine it definitely could, but I could make it a lot more difficult for it to do so).
Open internet forums and other traffic is relatively easy pickings for the Security Services. They will probably have some form of keyword searcher on all the major search engines. Mobile phones of interest will also be monitored, and if you were to call one of them, you can bet your name would pop up somewhere (unless you use PAYG and throw it away).

But if you were truly hell bent on doing something, they'd be fairly powerless to stop you.
He's been in Saudi Arabia, could have been there on pilgrimage but who knows, more to come out on this individual

I've been to Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey in recent years and have grown a beard in the last 18 months. If i snapped over something and crashed my car into a crowd of Rags for example do you think i'd be linked to terrorism or would people just accept i'd fucking snapped over something and been a ****?
Yep. Any blame should lie with the people who were close to him but kept quiet
They are often the last to know. Family members often notice a change in behaviour, but put it down to a whole load of different factors (financial worries, relationship issues, work problems etc.); terrorism is probably the last thing on most peoples mind. Unless people are actively looking for evidence they probably won't notice anything, and even if they did, you are relying on them to shop their friends and relatives to the authorities.
I've been to Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey in recent years and have grown a beard in the last 18 months. If i snapped over something and crashed my car into a crowd of Rags for example do you think i'd be linked to terrorism or would people just accept i'd fucking snapped over something and been a ****?
A crowd of rags you say? ;-)

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