Shooting outside the House of Commons

Lets go back four years and see what the honorable leader of the opposition as he is now was up to shall we.

Mental illness has surely got to be a part of why someone commits acts like this. Whatever the reasons it's a sad day when they do.
Mental illness has surely got to be a part of why someone commits acts like this. Whatever the reasons it's a sad day when they do.

It is more a predisposition, chemical of course but also cultural. For example the average christian kid will sing 2 hymns every morning in the main hall. Beyond that they don't do that much. A good muslim parent will hammer the koran into their kids with the best of intentions but it can be so very easily skewed. Especially those as you note are pre disposed or vulnerable to the seductive aspects of martyrdom and such. That i would suggest is a chemical imbalance.

You could have a great discussion just on this, 'Does indoctrination of a faith at young age alter chemical balances in the brain; if so to what extent'. That would be interesting, however empirical evidence for such questions i guess is thin on the ground xD. I think it does to a greater degree than other learnings due to the veracity of their parents pushing it, the desire to appease your parents etc.

Very well said.
You could have a great discussion just on this, 'Does indoctrination of a faith at young age alter chemical balances in the brain; if so to what extent'. That would be interesting, however empirical evidence for such questions i guess is thin on the ground xD. I think it does to a greater degree than other learnings due to the veracity of their parents pushing it, the desire to appease your parents etc.

I've seen a study on this, though where exactly I can't seem to place and my Google-fu is malfunctioning tonight. Feel free to fact check.

But religiosity was a positive in the life of young children when it was accompanied by the idea of a parental God such as Christianity. They had better emotional outcomes and less anxiety in general than atheist children, and this supposedly coincided with the general concepts of attachment theory. It was emotionally healthy in the same way that imaginary friends are emotionally healthy.

However, as children became older they started seeing diversion of this - lack of conformity to religious desire created stresses that weren't experienced as much by atheist children and their faith became more of a guilt. This then span all the way back around in adults.

I think this sort of religion is probably a bit like Father Christmas. There's no real harm in believing in it when you're a young child and it proper adds wonder to the world whilst simultaneously providing comfortable answers to questions. However when the time comes to grow out of this behaviour then clinging on to it is probably not as good idea.
Brains are no good at joining shapes it doesn't know, so it converts them to dots and gets on with the next puzzle.
I've seen a study on this, though where exactly I can't seem to place and my Google-fu is malfunctioning tonight. Feel free to fact check.

But religiosity was a positive in the life of young children when it was accompanied by the idea of a parental God such as Christianity. They had better emotional outcomes and less anxiety in general than atheist children, and this supposedly coincided with the general concepts of attachment theory. It was emotionally healthy in the same way that imaginary friends are emotionally healthy.

However, as children became older they started seeing diversion of this - lack of conformity to religious desire created stresses that weren't experienced as much by atheist children and their faith became more of a guilt. This then span all the way back around in adults.

I think this sort of religion is probably a bit like Father Christmas. There's no real harm in believing in it when you're a young child and it proper adds wonder to the world whilst simultaneously providing comfortable answers to questions. However when the time comes to grow out of this behaviour then clinging on to it is probably not as good idea.

I will take your dodgy filthy lying tongue as gospel on this one :-D only kidding boss, your comments sound perfectly in sync with the world as i know it. That said i will look into it more as i find it a focus of the issue worth more scrutiny by any standard of inquiry. Father christmas sounds spot on, a possible acute area where stuff can go bad is how their parents teach them from here on in. I do remember sussing out the tooth fairy was fake but i was still very excited to put one under the pillow for 50p the next day. Possibly here where i was not discouraged from finding out some truths if a point to look at. I can imagine in islam here is where what i consider mental abuse to start. The mind is trained to believe stuff that is really a kind of gesture. Father christmas is in fact real in ways 'your mind can't or ever understand' kind of stuff. this fuzzy area i feel is a bit of a flash point.
None if which involved lone arseholes.
Here you go again claiming to know the unknown. You haven't the slightest bit of intelligence information to suggest a terrorist attack by a single individual hasn't been thwarted.

You get to know very little unless you're involved directly in National Anti Terrorism, and as I strongly doubt you are, I'm calling bullshit on that comment.
100% this.

You can't beat an idea with bombs.

Not without genocide anyway.

The last form of fascism that we had took the destruction of most of Europe, North Africa, India and Asia to kill and even then we still had fascism in numerous places around the globe. And that was against an actual physical enemy. We can't win this war with guns, we can only win it through good intelligence sharing and diplomacy.

The Saudis and Iran could solve this whole problem tomorrow. If there was a will to do so.
Absolutely. Minds need to be changed to beat this

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