Cheesy said:
blue underpants said:
Bit of an inter-services squabble going on at the moment, the BFST special forces (Army) who headed the assault on the print factory are not happy with the GIGN (Gendarmerie) who led the assault on the Kosher supermarket
They were supposed to assault at the exact same time but the GIGN were 7 minutes late fouling up the whole plan, the BFST are not exactly saying it cost the lives of the 4 hostages in the supermarket but it didn't help
Francois Hollande is not best pleased at the outcome despite his public utterances, and is thinking of bringing the BFST into Paris if...and happens again
I thought the action at the printing factory was precipitated by the two brothers coming out shooting. If this is the case (as is being reported) how can that assault have been planned?
The BFST and the GIGN planned a simultaneous attack at the 2 separate sites, the BFST blew holes in the printers roofs as ther were hardly any windows in the building, they then blew a door off near to where the 2 twats were standing, in the noise and confusion their instincts would be to go to that entrance giving the BFST a clear line of fire, the 2 twats probably got one or two shots off before being shot to pieces
This was all planned to co-ordinate with the supermarket so as the twat inside did not know the others were dead and kill the hostages,
they were late and he shot 4, someones going to cop it off Hollande soon and it will be the head of the GIGN