Should Airlines be Able To Weigh Passengers

Maybe there should just be a combined weight for a passenger and his/her baggage. Anything over that is charged as extra. Would allow those that weight less to take a bit more luggage without being charged more.

Those over a certain size should have to buy 2 seats, rather than cause discomfort for those that have to be seated next to them.
Ever had your carry-on bags weighed?

Only hold (cargo) baggage gets weighed when you check-in at the gate, correct?

And, there are cases where airlines require people to buy two seats. Is it discriminatory, and if so, to whom, the large passenger or the one that paid for the space beside them that is being encroached upon?!

So, sat on the plane at Dalaman for the return flight to Manchester. We are waiting for the last 2 passengers. My wife has the window seat and Mugsy is sat in the middle seat, with the aisle seat free. The last 2 passengers eventually turn up, a man and wife. She is small and frail, probably weighing about 7 st. He is one BFC who probably weighed 23 / 24 st. I could swear the aircraft got darker as he walked along the aisle.

Anyway, no prizes for guessing where he sat. 4 hours of fucking misery.
It’s better than him sitting in the open seat BETWEEN you!!!

Many, many couples reserve the window and the aisle (where there are 3 seats W-M-A), knowing the middle seats are the least desirable seat on the aircraft and thus the last ones filled. If, by chance, someone does come to sit in it, then they offer to sit window & middle, leaving the aisle to the other passenger.

Worth a punt if you’re ever traveling together in the future, just in case the flight isn’t full!
That's actually an even bigger drag when it happens. I'm nearly six foot, and it's misery to do a flight with your knees up against the seat in front of you.
It's my biggest gripe!! Flying on budget airlines with limited knee room, why, oh why, dose some twat feel the need to recline the seat, the flight is only 2 hours!! Last flight I had, there was an empty seat between a couple, they reclines the empty middle seat so they could look at each other!! Needless to say, the middle seat backrest was quickly returned to its upright position. Selfish teats!!!!
There's fuck all I can do about my height and so I can fit into an airline seat comfortably I always pay for an extra legroom seat
In most cases extra legroom seats are situated next to an emergency exit and only people in good physical condition are allowed to sit in those seats, but on one flight I booked a bulkhead extra legroom seat at the front of the aircraft which wasn't situated on an emergency exit
I boarded the plane and took my aisle seat and a very nice member of cabin crew spoke to me and told me was sitting next to some special passengers (I'm immediately thinking celebrities)
However, on comes fatty and thinny. This really fucking fat woman and her bone thin husband who's leg is in a cast and they're in the two seats next to me and to my absolute horror, fatty had the middle seat!
I quickly hatch a plan and say "oh it's OK, I'll sit next to the window" and looking at the bloke say "and you can sit in the middle" to which they said "thank you"
I launch myself next to the window. The bloke gets in and makes himself comfortable and then the cabin crew member turns up and says to the bloke "I'm sorry, you can't sit there as you're not able bodied. If there was an emergency, able bodied people are given priority on leaving the aircraft, so you have to sit next to the window"
"Oh fuckity fuck" I think as we all manoeuvred round
Thinny gets to his window seat and the crutches are taken away. Then it's fatty's turn. Now I've often wondered how fat people fit into an airline seat and this was the day I found out
She pulled out of her bag a cushion, placed it on the seat and it raised her flab over the armrests
I spent the entire flight leaning into the aisle getting twatted by every passenger going to the bog and if I moved slightly inwards I was then touching the horrible sweaty grossly overweight woman

A truly dreadful experience that I paid extra for
There's fuck all I can do about my height and so I can fit into an airline seat comfortably I always pay for an extra legroom seat
In most cases extra legroom seats are situated next to an emergency exit and only people in good physical condition are allowed to sit in those seats, but on one flight I booked a bulkhead extra legroom seat at the front of the aircraft which wasn't situated on an emergency exit
I boarded the plane and took my aisle seat and a very nice member of cabin crew spoke to me and told me was sitting next to some special passengers (I'm immediately thinking celebrities)
However, on comes fatty and thinny. This really fucking fat woman and her bone thin husband who's leg is in a cast and they're in the two seats next to me and to my absolute horror, fatty had the middle seat!
I quickly hatch a plan and say "oh it's OK, I'll sit next to the window" and looking at the bloke say "and you can sit in the middle" to which they said "thank you"
I launch myself next to the window. The bloke gets in and makes himself comfortable and then the cabin crew member turns up and says to the bloke "I'm sorry, you can't sit there as you're not able bodied. If there was an emergency, able bodied people are given priority on leaving the aircraft, so you have to sit next to the window"
"Oh fuckity fuck" I think as we all manoeuvred round
Thinny gets to his window seat and the crutches are taken away. Then it's fatty's turn. Now I've often wondered how fat people fit into an airline seat and this was the day I found out
She pulled out of her bag a cushion, placed it on the seat and it raised her flab over the armrests
I spent the entire flight leaning into the aisle getting twatted by every passenger going to the bog and if I moved slightly inwards I was then touching the horrible sweaty grossly overweight woman

A truly dreadful experience that I paid extra for
I wonder if she was conscious of how she was making you so uncomfortable or whether she’s learned to block things like that out.

Either way, it cannot be a happy headspace to inhabit.
Safety comes first, right? Maybe we should mention our weight when booking the flight in the first place?
Honestly i don't see anything wrong with that. There are so many worst policies, which different airlines come up with frequently. So far only FlightNetwork reviews here are not too bad, from all those which i've used for the last year.
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I wonder if she was conscious of how she was making you so uncomfortable or whether she’s learned to block things like that out.

Either way, it cannot be a happy headspace to inhabit.
That headspace is all taken up thinking of how to get extra helpings on the in flight meal.

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