nashark said:
I'm trying, but I'm displaying the thick person who goes to "fee-paying private school".
If public schools, completely free and not decided by postcode lottery, came up to the standard of the elite private schools then I could accept the end of private schools, but then and then only.
Bursaries are wider ranging than you may think, obviously the system could be improved but I don't see the problem in fee paying, when the government won't fund a dramatic improvement or sustain the currently private schools as schools, but I do not like faith schools, at all, having been to one.
There's a whole variety of things, for example a nationwide set of tests in year 6, in Maths, English etc. with the results being sent to the secondary school the child will attend and then the teachers can prepare to work on the weaknesses from day 1.
Apprenticeship courses should be offered year 9/10 where kids can go off and shadow a plumber, electrician and experience a little bit of that route at an early age to encourage people to not just apply to uni for the sake of it.
GCSE's should be completely revamped, made much harder and only students achieving certain grades in certain subjects should be able to attend college/6th form, and I'd say at this point for free, and those who don't make the grades would have to pay for the privelage, but I won't be strict and say at all.
The others should then be offered more apprenticeship/practical work courses so they can train to work in a certain industry from 16 onwards, and then go into work.
Uni's then have a broad spectrum of candidates from different backgrounds but all from an equal intelligence level, once A-Levels have been passed then the people going to uni go on proper courses and meaningless stuff like Media Studies is abolished.
But the government for me would have to ban faith schools, monitor the teaching of religion to prevent religious indoctrination and give the child the right to choose, as well as pump money into public schools, reform teaching standards and practices as well as bring private schools into line and accept it.
That's being really unrealistic and idealistic.
I still disagree over inheritance, parents should be allowed to pass on whatever belongings they want to whoever they want, it's their property.