Should Hodgson go?

Yes. Im fed up with his post match interviews saying how well they played when its been dire. He fell for that "play like Liverpool " shit when it was clear that Suarez was a major part in why they played well last year.
mad4city said:
Blue Haze said:
I'm surprised anyone wants to keep Hodgson. He's mediocre.

England need a manager who is defensively organised. Someone who can get crazy workrate friom the players to make up for the lack of talent. Persisting with Hodgson is a waste of time.

He has all the demeanour of a low-ranking civil servant and not surpisingly sets up his teams to perform with all the swagger of a low-ranking civil servant.
His apologists repeatedly tell us that he's "a decent man" and "a true football man", as if these attributes were rare and outstanding virtues rather than fundamental pre-requisites for the position he holds.
In truth, he's in the job because he's the safest option amongst a hoarde of spivs, chancers and assorted bumblefucks. He won't get caught kerb crawling, fiddling HMRS or snorting coke with a fake sheik from the Daily Scum. He'll turn up on time with a world-weary smile and a likeable, avuncular disposotion. Sure, he'll do nothing to excite the fans but, perhaps more importantly to the FA at this point in its evolution, neither will he disturb the sponsors.
So Wembley gets paid for and the blazers can still have the surf and turf washed down with a surprisingly decent local pinot grigio at that week long FIFA conference in Mauritius, whilst of course bemoaning Thatcherites selling off all those playing fields, thirty years ago and grumbling that there are far too many greasy Johnny Foreigner types in the Premier League, playing rings around stand up chaps like Squadron Leader Scotty and Stevie Me.
In a sane world, Roy Hodgson would never have got within an ass's roar of the England manager's job but this is not a sane world. This is the FA's world where sanity laughed itself all the way to the puzzle factory, yonks ago. These are the self-perpetuating guardians of the game who'd arrange FA Cup Finals at midnight on a wet Wednesday in Mogadishu, if they thought it made them more money and they could pass it off as being a politically correct thing to do.
Hodgson's job is safe because Hodgson himself is safe. It's a clear case of the bland leading the bland. There's no other reasonable explanation for his appointment in the first place. The question shouldn't be should Hodgson go; the question ought to be should England finally just give up the pretence and tog out in beige.

Nailed it.
I wanted Hodgson only on the basis that the other choices Fat Sam and Harry were just to awful to bear thinking about. He has been severely handicapped by having such a lob sided talent pool to chose from, in that we have some talented players in wide positions and a couple of decent keepers but real shortages elsewhere. After Cahill, Jagielka is clearly the best out there but he is never going to hold up in a tournament against real world class strikers and Johnson at right back as we all know is a disaster waiting to happen. Roy gambled on his triangle of Rooney, Sturridge and Sterling doing enough to get us to the last 16 or last 8 and it has failed in spectacular fashion. Any side is only as good as it's weakest link. A holding player should have been in the side to protect the centre backs and Milner to babysit the full back. In my opinion he has been a massive failure. God knows who the FA would go for but he should go.

I am also going to be interested to see what happens now with our poster boys. As others have pointed out the commercial interests of the FA are heavily linked with the most well known. I wouldn't put it past Stevie Overrated to announce he is carrying on. If he does go, they will make Rooney captain but what happens if Lallana and Barkley carry on ripping up trees ?

It isn't an easy job though. If you had told me two years ago after we had lost to Italy on penalties at the Euro's we were going to go in with half a new team two years later I would have guessed at a midfield containing Wilshire, Rodwell and Phil Jones holding. All three have stalled badly and not just due to injuries. Therefore pragmatism has to be an advantage in the role but you have to have a modicum of common sense and Roy didn't use any in this tournament.
i feel he was the right appointment at the time to steady the ship after capellos world cup but now i feel he should leave. we need an ambitious manager who is great working with youngsters. i like hodgeson but i read his comments today ''we couldn't have done any better'' really?

and if i see any of the ''the england manager has to be english'' bollocks then im giving up
GaudinoMotors said:
mad4city said:
Blue Haze said:
I'm surprised anyone wants to keep Hodgson. He's mediocre.

England need a manager who is defensively organised. Someone who can get crazy workrate friom the players to make up for the lack of talent. Persisting with Hodgson is a waste of time.

He has all the demeanour of a low-ranking civil servant and not surpisingly sets up his teams to perform with all the swagger of a low-ranking civil servant.
His apologists repeatedly tell us that he's "a decent man" and "a true football man", as if these attributes were rare and outstanding virtues rather than fundamental pre-requisites for the position he holds.
In truth, he's in the job because he's the safest option amongst a hoarde of spivs, chancers and assorted bumblefucks. He won't get caught kerb crawling, fiddling HMRS or snorting coke with a fake sheik from the Daily Scum. He'll turn up on time with a world-weary smile and a likeable, avuncular disposotion. Sure, he'll do nothing to excite the fans but, perhaps more importantly to the FA at this point in its evolution, neither will he disturb the sponsors.
So Wembley gets paid for and the blazers can still have the surf and turf washed down with a surprisingly decent local pinot grigio at that week long FIFA conference in Mauritius, whilst of course bemoaning Thatcherites selling off all those playing fields, thirty years ago and grumbling that there are far too many greasy Johnny Foreigner types in the Premier League, playing rings around stand up chaps like Squadron Leader Scotty and Stevie Me.
In a sane world, Roy Hodgson would never have got within an ass's roar of the England manager's job but this is not a sane world. This is the FA's world where sanity laughed itself all the way to the puzzle factory, yonks ago. These are the self-perpetuating guardians of the game who'd arrange FA Cup Finals at midnight on a wet Wednesday in Mogadishu, if they thought it made them more money and they could pass it off as being a politically correct thing to do.
Hodgson's job is safe because Hodgson himself is safe. It's a clear case of the bland leading the bland. There's no other reasonable explanation for his appointment in the first place. The question shouldn't be should Hodgson go; the question ought to be should England finally just give up the pretence and tog out in beige.
Post of the World Cup - great stuff
There is sadly, a glaring flaw in this argument -
I don't think they grow Pinot Grigio in Mauritius!
He's fucking deluded.

"My major concern for England is that we are going to produce players from academies who will be good players and will merit a place in teams but will find their pathway blocked by foreign players. Pathways concern me more than the production line."

Perhaps he should ask himself why they're not getting ahead of the foreign players.
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
He's fucking deluded.

"My major concern for England is that we are going to produce players from academies who will be good players and will merit a place in teams but will find their pathway blocked by foreign players. Pathways concern me more than the production line."

Perhaps he should ask himself why they're not getting ahead of the foreign players.

He's an absolute fucking clown. Trouble is, astonishingly, those at the FA think the same thing.
The same old clichés are being trotted out. The FA and Hodgson don't realise that it is the foreign players make the league one of the best in Europe.
mad4city said:
Blue Haze said:
I'm surprised anyone wants to keep Hodgson. He's mediocre.

England need a manager who is defensively organised. Someone who can get crazy workrate friom the players to make up for the lack of talent. Persisting with Hodgson is a waste of time.

He has all the demeanour of a low-ranking civil servant and not surpisingly sets up his teams to perform with all the swagger of a low-ranking civil servant.
His apologists repeatedly tell us that he's "a decent man" and "a true football man", as if these attributes were rare and outstanding virtues rather than fundamental pre-requisites for the position he holds.
In truth, he's in the job because he's the safest option amongst a hoarde of spivs, chancers and assorted bumblefucks. He won't get caught kerb crawling, fiddling HMRS or snorting coke with a fake sheik from the Daily Scum. He'll turn up on time with a world-weary smile and a likeable, avuncular disposotion. Sure, he'll do nothing to excite the fans but, perhaps more importantly to the FA at this point in its evolution, neither will he disturb the sponsors.
So Wembley gets paid for and the blazers can still have the surf and turf washed down with a surprisingly decent local pinot grigio at that week long FIFA conference in Mauritius, whilst of course bemoaning Thatcherites selling off all those playing fields, thirty years ago and grumbling that there are far too many greasy Johnny Foreigner types in the Premier League, playing rings around stand up chaps like Squadron Leader Scotty and Stevie Me.
In a sane world, Roy Hodgson would never have got within an ass's roar of the England manager's job but this is not a sane world. This is the FA's world where sanity laughed itself all the way to the puzzle factory, yonks ago. These are the self-perpetuating guardians of the game who'd arrange FA Cup Finals at midnight on a wet Wednesday in Mogadishu, if they thought it made them more money and they could pass it off as being a politically correct thing to do.
Hodgson's job is safe because Hodgson himself is safe. It's a clear case of the bland leading the bland. There's no other reasonable explanation for his appointment in the first place. The question shouldn't be should Hodgson go; the question ought to be should England finally just give up the pretence and tog out in beige.

I enjoyed the structure and style of this fine post. Rare are the times i now get to enjoy the written English word so much.
Bravo sir.

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