Should Tony Blair be given a state funeral?

Do we have to wait until he's dead to have his funeral? - Stick him and Thatcher in the same fucking box as far as I'm concerned.
He had a great PR machine. Posing on the front of Guitar magazines whilst doing interviews for lad's mags, all in the decade of the 20 something.

He was fashionable. Not to say he was any good.

oh and of course he shouldn't be given a state funeral - as no-one should.
Helmet Cole said:
Do we have to wait until he's dead to have his funeral? - Stick him and Thatcher in the same fucking box as far as I'm concerned.

I vote for this solution
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
A lot of SME's (the real wealth creators) all over the country would dispute what you are saying.

We have had project Merlin and the national loan guarentee scheme but still the banks arent interested. The latest effort is the funding for lending scheme and it could go on ad infinitum.

The funding for lending scheme (~£80bn) has, I understand*, been a huge success in the money is being loaned out exactly as planned.

*I neither work for a UK bank nor work on the retail side so can only go on what I have read/heard.

Third time lucky then. Apparently banks can still opt out of FLS.

If they opt out they don't get access to the scheme money - I don't really see a problem with it. The issue is it's all a bit catch-22; economy struggles peoples jobs not so secure banks worry about pay-back so lend less, economy struggles some more.... in a capitalist society we might not like to see this government->bank->public model but without it we have real risk that little else will change and we will spiral to ever more gloom in a country where misery sells so we should applaud them for giving it a go.
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
The funding for lending scheme (~£80bn) has, I understand*, been a huge success in the money is being loaned out exactly as planned.

*I neither work for a UK bank nor work on the retail side so can only go on what I have read/heard.

Third time lucky then. Apparently banks can still opt out of FLS.

If they opt out they don't get access to the scheme money - I don't really see a problem with it. The issue is it's all a bit catch-22; economy struggles peoples jobs not so secure banks worry about pay-back so lend less, economy struggles some more.... in a capitalist society we might not like to see this government->bank->public model but without it we have real risk that little else will change and we will spiral to ever more gloom in a country where misery sells so we should applaud them for giving it a go.

You could do what Milton Friedman said, drop money out of a helicopter to the masses below.
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
Third time lucky then. Apparently banks can still opt out of FLS.

If they opt out they don't get access to the scheme money - I don't really see a problem with it. The issue is it's all a bit catch-22; economy struggles peoples jobs not so secure banks worry about pay-back so lend less, economy struggles some more.... in a capitalist society we might not like to see this government->bank->public model but without it we have real risk that little else will change and we will spiral to ever more gloom in a country where misery sells so we should applaud them for giving it a go.

You could do what Milton Friedman said, drop money out of a helicopter to the masses below.

Who would then proceed to buy some imported item which will do the country the sum of no good.
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
If they opt out they don't get access to the scheme money - I don't really see a problem with it. The issue is it's all a bit catch-22; economy struggles peoples jobs not so secure banks worry about pay-back so lend less, economy struggles some more.... in a capitalist society we might not like to see this government->bank->public model but without it we have real risk that little else will change and we will spiral to ever more gloom in a country where misery sells so we should applaud them for giving it a go.

You could do what Milton Friedman said, drop money out of a helicopter to the masses below.

Who would then proceed to buy some imported item which will do the country the sum of no good.

OK another suggestion for you. All the QE is used to pay off all unsecured debt.
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
You could do what Milton Friedman said, drop money out of a helicopter to the masses below.

Who would then proceed to buy some imported item which will do the country the sum of no good.

OK another suggestion for you. All the QE is used to pay off all unsecured debt.

So taxpayers who are yet to be born will be paying off all the unsecured debt run up by us? Who will pay off their debt or is it just a one off for us? Ultimately you kick the can down the road to make it somebody else's problem, having learnt nothing we'd probably then going on another borrowing orgy. We can't hide from the fact that much of the western world (governments and public alike) went on a bit of a debt fueled spending spree, fun while it lasted, but now we need to pay the piper.
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
Who would then proceed to buy some imported item which will do the country the sum of no good.

OK another suggestion for you. All the QE is used to pay off all unsecured debt.

So taxpayers who are yet to be born will be paying off all the unsecured debt run up by us? Who will pay off their debt or is it just a one off for us? Ultimately you kick the can down the road to make it somebody else's problem, having learnt nothing we'd probably then going on another borrowing orgy. We can't hide from the fact that much of the western world (governments and public alike) went on a bit of a debt fueled spending spree, fun while it lasted, but now we need to pay the piper.

The wrong people are paying for the profiligacy though arent they?

So you dont agree with QE for the banks?

We arent going to ever pay off our debts.

The best option is for the government to create money themselves and give it to people.

That way there is no debt attached to it.

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