Should Tony Blair be given a state funeral?

metalblue said:
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
twinkletoes said:
When the financial world collapsed we had companies and consumers looking to deleverage because they were scared.

So Osborne thought that the government should do the same.

So where does the growth come from? Oh yes paper assets funded by QE.

Then the whole house of cards is started again.


Whilst it might be called Quantative easing now.....its actually properly known as Devaluation.

You've arrived at one potential endgame....devaluation hasn't occurred yet, if we see significant inflation in the future then yes we will have devaluation.

QE is a bit of a step into the dark and as we can all see with QE3 the Fed aren't looking to stop until the economy recovers and inflation is a real concern, the Fed believe they can control it with other tools when the time comes....let's just say it might be a bit tricky.

They want the consumer to take on more debt to pull them out of the shit.
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
Ifwecouldjust....... said:

Whilst it might be called Quantative easing now.....its actually properly known as Devaluation.

You've arrived at one potential endgame....devaluation hasn't occurred yet, if we see significant inflation in the future then yes we will have devaluation.

QE is a bit of a step into the dark and as we can all see with QE3 the Fed aren't looking to stop until the economy recovers and inflation is a real concern, the Fed believe they can control it with other tools when the time comes....let's just say it might be a bit tricky.

They want the consumer to take on more debt to pull them out of the shit.

They want business to take on sustainable debt to pull them out of the shit but I'm just splitting hairs.
Lucky Toma said:
Whether you agree with his politics or not he was one of our finest post-war Prime Ministers who guided us to prosperous times and reclaimed our world standing.

Also oversaw a successful war and has continued his fine work since stepping down (and how many PMs graciously step down these days?) with his humanitarian work.

I know the thought might gall some but he is deserving of St Pauls and a public holiday when the sad day arrives in the distant future.

Megaclarkie !!!!!!!
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
You've arrived at one potential endgame....devaluation hasn't occurred yet, if we see significant inflation in the future then yes we will have devaluation.

QE is a bit of a step into the dark and as we can all see with QE3 the Fed aren't looking to stop until the economy recovers and inflation is a real concern, the Fed believe they can control it with other tools when the time comes....let's just say it might be a bit tricky.

They want the consumer to take on more debt to pull them out of the shit.

They want business to take on sustainable debt to pull them out of the shit but I'm just splitting hairs.

twinkletoes said:
metalblue said:
twinkletoes said:
They want the consumer to take on more debt to pull them out of the shit.

They want business to take on sustainable debt to pull them out of the shit but I'm just splitting hairs.


That clip makes two points; the first being that normal inflation erodes government debt given enough time and that is indeed true...however the first thing the government need to do is to stop adding to the debt by living within it's means or austerity as it likes to be called.

The second point is that banks aren't lending to people at all and they are forced into the hands of firms like wonga...well it is true that credit is harder to get hold of but nowhere near impossible and plenty of people are able to do so, the banks like to make way is lending money to people who pay it back.

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