Shouting down fellow blues

Lucky Toma

Well-Known Member
29 Jan 2010
Just when I thought I was out...they pulled me bac
Personally I believe in what Bobby Manc is trying to do and can only think of one moan I have aired against him (after the Stoke game last season).

However, I have NO problems with fellow blues - some of whom will attend more games than I do and most of whom love the club as much as I do - criticising his methods.

They have every right to.

Yet I've noticed an increasing and worrying trend on here where the pro-Mancinis aggresively shout down the anti-Mancinis and accuse them of being knee-jerk, anti-City somehow and ignorant to the nuances of the game.
It has come to the point now where - if anyone is foolhardy enough to 'dare' criticise Bobby - he or she are dismissed outright with venom by the majority.

There is an attitude of arrogant censorship almost that is distasteful. That and (misplaced at times) intellectual snobbery.

What I mean by my last sentence is that if a BMer bemoaned Bobby's cautious approach to a game he/she would inevitably be accused by more than one person of not understanding what is being aspired to. Bollocks. The sceptics know precisely what Bobby is trying to do. They just dont like it!

Like I say, I'm in the pro-Bobby camp. But - and I'm not getting all high and mighty, this is merely an observation - I'm really not comfortable sometimes in the company that I keep within that camp who so forcefully discourage debate when it comes to our manager.
Lucky Toma said:
Personally I believe in what Bobby Manc is trying to do and can only think of one moan I have aired against him (after the Stoke game last season).

However, I have NO problems with fellow blues - some of whom will attend more games than I do and most of whom love the club as much as I do - criticising his methods.

They have every right to.

Yet I've noticed an increasing and worrying trend on here where the pro-Mancinis shout down the anti-Mancinis and accuse them of being knee-jerk, anti-City somehow and ignorant to the nuances of the game.
It has come to the point now where - if anyone is foolhardy enough to 'dare' criticise Bobby - he or she are dismissed outright with venom by the majority.

There is an attitude of arrogant censorship almost that is distasteful. That and (misplaced at times) intellectual snobbery.

What I mean by my last sentence is that if a BMer bemoaned Bobby's cautious approach to a game he/she would inevitably be accused by more than one person of not understanding what is being aspired to. Bollocks. The sceptics know precisely what Bobby is trying to do. They just dont like it!

Like I say, I'm in the pro-Bobby camp. But - and I'm not getting all high and mighty, this is merely an observation - I'm really not comfortable sometimes in the company that I keep within that camp who so forcefully discourage debate when it comes to our manager.

*Note to the stepford City fans.....Watch this one!!!!!!!! ;-)
Petetheblu said:
Lucky Toma said:
Personally I believe in what Bobby Manc is trying to do and can only think of one moan I have aired against him (after the Stoke game last season).

However, I have NO problems with fellow blues - some of whom will attend more games than I do and most of whom love the club as much as I do - criticising his methods.

They have every right to.

Yet I've noticed an increasing and worrying trend on here where the pro-Mancinis shout down the anti-Mancinis and accuse them of being knee-jerk, anti-City somehow and ignorant to the nuances of the game.
It has come to the point now where - if anyone is foolhardy enough to 'dare' criticise Bobby - he or she are dismissed outright with venom by the majority.

There is an attitude of arrogant censorship almost that is distasteful. That and (misplaced at times) intellectual snobbery.

What I mean by my last sentence is that if a BMer bemoaned Bobby's cautious approach to a game he/she would inevitably be accused by more than one person of not understanding what is being aspired to. Bollocks. The sceptics know precisely what Bobby is trying to do. They just dont like it!

Like I say, I'm in the pro-Bobby camp. But - and I'm not getting all high and mighty, this is merely an observation - I'm really not comfortable sometimes in the company that I keep within that camp who so forcefully discourage debate when it comes to our manager.

*Note to the stepford City fans.....Watch this one!!!!!!!! ;-)
Some forget that this is an internet forum though and maybe they believe they are somehow at the match. I criticise Mancini and rightly so, i think, when at the match though i'm 100% behind him and the team.
Lucky Toma said:
Personally I believe in what Bobby Manc is trying to do and can only think of one moan I have aired against him (after the Stoke game last season).

However, I have NO problems with fellow blues - some of whom will attend more games than I do and most of whom love the club as much as I do - criticising his methods.

They have every right to.

Yet I've noticed an increasing and worrying trend on here where the pro-Mancinis aggresively shout down the anti-Mancinis and accuse them of being knee-jerk, anti-City somehow and ignorant to the nuances of the game.
It has come to the point now where - if anyone is foolhardy enough to 'dare' criticise Bobby - he or she are dismissed outright with venom by the majority.

There is an attitude of arrogant censorship almost that is distasteful. That and (misplaced at times) intellectual snobbery.

What I mean by my last sentence is that if a BMer bemoaned Bobby's cautious approach to a game he/she would inevitably be accused by more than one person of not understanding what is being aspired to. Bollocks. The sceptics know precisely what Bobby is trying to do. They just dont like it!

Like I say, I'm in the pro-Bobby camp. But - and I'm not getting all high and mighty, this is merely an observation - I'm really not comfortable sometimes in the company that I keep within that camp who so forcefully discourage debate when it comes to our manager.

here here.....i'm becoming more than a little disollusioned with bluemoon at the moment in time
Lucky Toma said:
Personally I believe in what Bobby Manc is trying to do and can only think of one moan I have aired against him (after the Stoke game last season).

However, I have NO problems with fellow blues - some of whom will attend more games than I do and most of whom love the club as much as I do - criticising his methods.

They have every right to.

Yet I've noticed an increasing and worrying trend on here where the pro-Mancinis aggresively shout down the anti-Mancinis and accuse them of being knee-jerk, anti-City somehow and ignorant to the nuances of the game.
It has come to the point now where - if anyone is foolhardy enough to 'dare' criticise Bobby - he or she are dismissed outright with venom by the majority.

There is an attitude of arrogant censorship almost that is distasteful. That and (misplaced at times) intellectual snobbery.

What I mean by my last sentence is that if a BMer bemoaned Bobby's cautious approach to a game he/she would inevitably be accused by more than one person of not understanding what is being aspired to. Bollocks. The sceptics know precisely what Bobby is trying to do. They just dont like it!

Like I say, I'm in the pro-Bobby camp. But - and I'm not getting all high and mighty, this is merely an observation - I'm really not comfortable sometimes in the company that I keep within that camp who so forcefully discourage debate when it comes to our manager.

I agree with your sentiments mate, but it comes from both sides. You should read the amount of posts in the match day thread accusing people of not being proper fans because they agree with Mancinis gamble with team selection tonight and saying its acceptable to give the Carling Cup a lower priority.
I don't agree with it. especially not after a bad loss.

but how is it one way?

tonight, regarding we would have been okay if we kept Bellamy;

"The idiots on here won't agree, but those at the matches will"

regarding being positive about the Europa league and such;

"The shitheads on here have us already in the final"

that's a tiny sample.

I don't ever call people names on the matchday stuff. If people are upset, generally so am I, and we (nearly) all say shit when we get upset.

in debates it's bit different, I get compared to a rag, or called a sheep and all that, I bite back... and that's all good, until someone gets a face on and starts using it as an excuse to feel sorry for themselves.... I suppose there is a bit of a tendency to shout people down but if you feel strongly about something you should just ignore it. you certainly can't complain if you do it yourself.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
nice post LT, I'm feeling that way tonight because I can't understand what happened tonight.

I can.

Lets start from the beginning and how the interview with Sheik Mansour and Mancini may have been.

(Sheik) Listen Bobby babes we want you to get in the top four, top four MUST be your goal and in turn it gets you another year in the hot seat.

(Bobby) But what about the Carling cup your highness?

(Sheik) Bobby Bobby Bobby...The Carling Cup won't make us into a recognised side and bring us the fame we really are trying to achieve.

(Bobby) But it will appease the fans who wait desperate for silverware.

(sheik) Bobby we want to win the League and the champions league, feck the Carling cup.

(Bobby) Okay boss...
What a stupid thing to come out with. The fact is that Bobby got it right tonight (Tactics/squad) and we have payed for it. Now I'm not in the camp wanting him out just yet but he really needs to sort it out sooner rather than later. Tonights result simply wasn't good enough!
What a stupid thing to come out with. The fact is that Bobby got it wrong tonight (Tactics/squad) and we have payed for it. Now I'm not in the camp wanting him out just yet but he really needs to sort it out sooner rather than later. Tonights result simply wasn't good enough!

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