silence about salzburg

Sweet and Sour Chicken again"

Balls or Hong Kong style??
I don't actually remember eating anything other than a pizza from the Shamrock. Had to take it outside to stop people nicking bits off it!
Burger King was up by the train station - too far to walk for my liking.
Poznan is about a quarter of the price, so can either save a packet, or drink 4 times as much!!
The Fat el Hombre said:
I can't believe you all just went to the irish bars, we shoulda all gone to the Augustiner. Beer garden was huge

It was good, (i forgot we went in when i wrote up my OP) - €2.80 a pint as well, not bad for the best beer i tasted all week!

There were about 20ish city fans in after the game...obviously not bluemooners!
I wrote this the morning I got back but didn’t post it because I was knackered and fell asleep.

The 6 in our group went the morning of the game the Singapore airline route to Munich. The day started out well, although I must admit to being a little apprehensive, when I saw that they had put the majority of the blues at the back of the plane.

The breakfast menu was handed out and someone noticed the cocktail list, before you knew it trays of Singapore slings were being served. It took a couple of trays to reach our row and we were only 6 or 7 back, then a chorus of Sling when we’re winnin’ broke out. Everyone had a good laugh and the cabin crew joined in the fun, posing for photos.

We went for a few pre match beers in Salzburg before heading off on the tram/coach thingy to the stadium. After the game we stopped for beers near the ground (the bar with the raised terrace) to let the crowds go, which was a good idea. We then shared taxies to the Irish bars with some Salzburg fans jumping in with us.

Great atmosphere in Shamrock bar and Murphy’s, stayed until 3:00am having a fantastic time with blues and Red Bull Salzburg fans who came over shaking our hands and asking about our club and telling us how pleased they were that we had come to their City.
We had a group come over to us saying that they were the real Salzburg fans and really told us of their hatred to RB Salzburg, in regard to what Red Bulls owners have done to them and asked us if we had any similar experiences with our owners…erm…. NO!

We took the 7:00 train back to Munich and had a laugh in the buffet car with 3 Bayern fans, some Americans, Chris from Gatley and his mates Ray and Dave. The Bayern fans repeatedly asked us to sing blue moon for them and we eventually gave in and gave them a rendition to the bemusement of the Yanks. The German lads asked if they could come to watch City play next year in Manchester and exchanged details with some of our now expanded group.

We did have a wonder around Salzburg see attached photo, but to be honest we were mainly in the Irish bars….shame on us. We finished our trip in some nice Munich bars with a particularly stunning lady dressed in the traditional “serving wench gear” bringing the beer. I think that was the most cultural part of my trip.

I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, there’s something special about being in a European away stadium that watching the blues that I always love. Well done to all the blues who went and did our club proud, with our fun, humor and friendliness.

I’m off to the Hawthorns now Comon City!








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